Credit: Intent.com
By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Some people don’t think we should glue ourselves to the guidance we’ve been given from enlightened teachers, and instead of listening solely to any external advice, we should find our own way through the confusion.
It makes a lot of sense, and endlessly following a spiritual teacher who claims to be enlightened might be somewhat disempowering.
I do think we’re meant to create our own path, but in my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with taking the advice we’ve been given from people who’ve elevated their consciousness and, as a result, have something valuable to offer.
Maybe we can change the way we see spiritual teachers. Instead of treating them like exalted masters just because some of them have found enlightenment (which, admittedly, makes them worthy of some attention), we can see them as brothers who want to help us raise our consciousness like they did.