~ Out with the Old … In with the Bold. Love Happens … but Not Without You.~

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~ Out with the Old … In with the Bold. Love Happens … but Not Without You.~


Carmen Allgood, Guest Writer for Wake Up World, 12-31-2011


Here we are on the threshold of the New Year, and most of the world has made some sort of insane arrangement to stay true to resolutions. We all do it – it’s only natural to want a new beginning in the New Year.


Lists are good. If we can clarify our desires and make a list, it helps us stay on track and increase the odds of accomplishing our goals. A list is a reminder of things we would like to manifest as the New Year materializes.

I call this my Spirit Wish List, which rarely revolves around personal desires, but rather, attempts to envision a world where love and peace are the norm and everything else is just an error in our perception.


All goals are set in the mind and begin with our thoughts. It doesn’t matter what the wish is, only that we have it and, at the moment, believe it is something that will help us attain more stability in our hearts and minds.


A new Canadian friend of mine shared this sentiment with me: “I wish you 12 Months of Happiness, 52 Weeks of Fun, 365 Days of Success & Prosperity, 8760 Hours of Good Health, 3,153,600 Seconds of Love…” Not a bad way to start off on the right foot as long as you understand that ‘you’ means you, too. It is impossible to exempt ourselves from our own ideas, because we will always be the first and last point of our own thoughts.


As we look at our goals for the New Year, we can certainly manifest our heart’s desire because everything is an idea. The universe is an idea, we are an idea, and love is an idea; just as joy, peace, happiness, and everything we truly want are all ideas. In other words, don’t limit ideas because we are connected to the limitless. If we cancel out the attainment of a goal before we get started, then we will get what we subconsciously wish for. Here’s another way of looking at this unconscious self-sabotage:


“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours.” – Richard Bach


This same thought process can be extended to all areas of our lives. It’s important to wish the world well so we will be well accordingly. We’re all in this together and there is no separation between us because our minds are joined in truth. Picture a happy, healthy, whole, healed world so that we can be a part of it also. Recognize that we will see what we think, because everything starts with an idea, and resides in the mind that thought it. Resolve to be the one who brings peace to the world by manifesting it in our own minds, so that we will see peace reflected everywhere and in everyone, because we are all one and the same. Here’s to 2012 as we reestablish heaven, on earth and in our minds, the place where peace resides.


Love is the Answer.


Carmen Allgood © December 2011
