Out there: Former Sen. Mike Gravel says White House suppressing evidence of ETs

Rain's picture

Yahoo.com - By Rick Klein, Olivier Knox, Richard Coolidge, and Jordyn Phelps | Power Players – Fri, May 3, 2013

ABC's Eric Wray, Betsy Klein, Melissa Young, and Bob Bramson contributed to this episode.


Top Line

Even as most Americans wonder what planet politicians are from, is it possible that the government is squelching evidence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth? One former presidential hopeful says yes – and that the conspiracy goes all the way to the top.

Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) says the White House has helped keep the truth about the “extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet” from the public.

Video and more: Yahoo.com


Similar Story: UFOs Disabling Nuclear Missiles: Former Senator Says Veterans' Testimony is the "Smoking Gun" Confirming a U.S. Government Cover-up (HeraldOnline.com)


Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2013/05/07/4838763/ufos-disabling-nuclear-missiles.html#storylink=cpyVud




Mike! Of course they're

DeSwiss2's picture

Mike! Of course they're suppressing evidence about ETs. They know that once that gets out, they're out of a job! :-) We would do well here in the ol' USofA if we had an entire Senate full of Mike Gravels, Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinichs and Alan Graysons. Truth-tellers the whole lot of 'em, par excellance!  --  Although, we recognize the fact that politicians (as a separate and mutant strain of Hue-manity) are generally immune to the Truth. They're attracted to shiny objects. Like gold. Anyway, they're not the holders of Power, they're just the brokers.


 - The government's main job is to see that the Owner's Oath is fulfilled:


''We the Owners of the United States of America (AKA Unites States of Denial), in Order to form a more obscure Reality, establish feasible scapegoats, insure domestic Ignorance, provide for Our superior defence (and Offense), promote the general welfare as long as it doesn't conflict with our welfare, and secure the blessing of alien technology for ourselves and no one else, do Ordain and Establish this Secret Order, which usurps all others on planet Earth.''