Over 400 Companies who Aren’t Using GMOs in their Products

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Thursday, July 11, 2013 2:59

(Before It's News)

Anthony Gucciardi
Natural Society

gmo project 263x164 Over 400 Companies who Aren’t Using GMOs in their ProductsIf you want to keep eating poison food, you can join the ‘scientists’ who keep spewing Monsanto-funded lies. They are telling us that genetically altered crops are good for us and the environment – that they are, in fact, a necessity to feed the world population. They say all of this, even though we seemed to feed the masses just fine without chemical quackery until about 60 years ago, all while dumping millions of tons of unaltered food right into the trash bin. If however, you believe GMOs are toxic, cancer-causing substances, you have another option.

