Pacaya volcano (Guatemala) has more explosions in the process of waking up

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery - 12/30/12, By T

Seismic recording from morning of 28 Dec showing the explosion signals

Seismic recording from morning of 28 Dec showing the explosion signals

Pacaya volcano is waking up. A series of 3 small explosions occurred yesterday morning and generated small ash plumes rising 500 m. The explosions were probably phreatic, but along with the previous explosions 10 days ago they likely indicate that magma has started to rise within the volcano and might reach the surface soon again. Strombolian and/or lava flow effusion activity, Pacaya's typical activity, could thus resume in a relatively short time.

In a press release, CONRED advised residents to remain calm and report observations of activity to authorities, not to spread rumors and put themselves at risk. Civil aviation was advised to be on watch (Pacaya is close to Guatemala Int. airport) in the event of increased explosive activity and have plans ready in case flights need to be diverted.

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