Paint a picture with total Awareness, are we ready for a lift off ?
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter John v Dokkumburg on February 22, 2012

Science ( we in our functionality ) are looking for very long the core to find a explanation in all there is , what moves us and gave functions to bodies and to what there is there to learn in space .. and speaking about black holes , sun , moon , the working of the natural material and spiritual elements , is this maybe a part of collective consciousness that they were made off ... still a hard nut as it seems to science ..
Is there a way to understand easy our easier to what all there is with what we knew that exists, if we first known and understood functions and organs in the bodies , the skills in a natural ( our social ) behaviour between people if we understand more about Space and our meaning in the social need for life ?
Think about the laws of birth and death , will this circle of live be the same everywhere ? Human , animals , planets stars and so on, have a level of consciousness and will , and lonely our together to seek and feel good so ?
And if you like to see it in a broader prospective , Imagine and begin asking ourself with some philosophical point in view: if uncertainty is the base for a effective transformation , then who effects who and decide in what to follow the other , and achieve that what he fits into ?
Now we have the question , is it in a way normal within all nature for seeking leaders ? and number two , is it natural if you denying those leaders , someone , a body our source when already you have a logic awareness that you have about them .. prisoned that soul source in what he was placed in ?... And do we need to deal with the spiritual law in creation to , the plan for all to share a good life and to live to the order of the plan to become as happy as we possibly can become ?
What does your self feels if I speak about ranks in wider and smaller band-wides that are lay in , made to life important laws off which we as (total) energy are made of ?
These are difficult but nice to known questions if we want to learn about personal and collective influence , influence on the whole of all there is - even if it is not to be seen for the body and human mind , and seen with our without a definition of some concrete recognised bodies , like the unseen flow of energies .
Be in Peace !