The Path of Intuitive Communication

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Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

What I like about The Voice Within is that it doesn’t have to have a specific label or identity. If you look around the new age/channeling community, you’ll see message after message that comes from angels, archangels, extraterrestrials and plenty of other sources, and the number of sources and channelers increases by the day.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this; it just isn’t for me. There are a few channeled sources I enthusiastically follow, but for the most part, I’ve turned my focus on other aspects of our spiritual evolution that I feel are equally worth our attention.

I don’t have anything against the plentiful channeled sources out there, and if we’ve learned anything, it’s that cultivating resistance to any concept will keep us too internally divided to find inner peace. I’ve simply taken a different turn, and like we’ve been encouraged to do, I take what resonates with me and let the rest be.
