Peppermint provides surprising results for digestive problems, physical performance and even weight loss

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(NaturalNews) The Christmas holidays are just around the corner, and peppermint does contribute to the festivities in its own way, as some of you will likely not be able to resist the temptation of indulging in candy canes. It has long been added to various products, such as candies, ice creams, gum, cakes and toothpaste, because of its refreshing and pleasing taste and smell. The sugar and invasive chemicals aside, peppermint on its own has garnered a well-deserved reputation for its ability to treat numerous abdominal problems such as cramping and pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, stomach cancer, irritable bowel syndrome and gallbladder disease. While most of its known benefits deal with stomach and digestive issues, some of the latest research now suggests that it may also be of assistance to curb cravings, ease tension headaches, boost concentration and even enhance exercise performance.
