Persistence is Vital in Life; Here’s Why

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As we continue to understand more and more about the current state of our world, we experience the urge to dissociate with such an unaligned design of society.

It’s easy to loose one’s self is the dense heaviness of the current state of our planet.

We are here to fully understand the earth experience and to help guide and raise the frequency of this planet, not to keep our light and awareness isolated.

It is not about disconnecting and suffering through the Human experience, its about understanding the fundamental connection between us all.

Connect to yourself and all of creation.

The key is letting go and being transparent, allow your highest intentions and most vulnerably real self to be revealed through you.

When experiencing something new or intense, try not to analyze it or give it any sort of meaning. Just go with the flow and understand there will be time to analyze the experience after you have had it; so stay present.
