Perturbation, Oscillation, and Conscious Spiritual Awareness - David Karchere

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One of the things that happens for someone who has lost their innate and intuitive connection with their own Being is that they are pulled off the central axis of their life. They lose that central axis around which a happy and fulfilled life revolves. They find themselves reaching after things, trying to bring things into their life that they deem important for their own satisfaction and fulfillment. That way of behaving takes a person off their center, off their axis.

The word perturbation comes from the same root as the word perturbed. Perturbation is “a disturbance of motion, course, arrangement, or state of equilibrium, especially a disturbance of the regular and usually elliptical course of motion of a celestial body that is produced by some force additional to that which causes its regular motion.”

Isn’t that a good description of what happens to us, as people, when we are taken off our natural orbit? Or when we are knocked off the central axis of our own life? The more power, the more intensity, the faster we spin. And if there is perturbation, we are taken out of our orbit. The perturbation causes oscillation, which is a swinging from one extreme to another.

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