Picking Up Lost Threads ~ 2012 January 8 ~ Posted by Steve Beckow

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Picking Up Lost Threads
2012 January 8
Posted by Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow





I have to tell you that I get such wonderful emails after some articles, many of them like Bob’s or Anne’s of a few days ago giving entirely different perspectives. Or like Adamu’s, taking the subject apart.

I write many things (not all) simply to stimulate thought and discussion. I feel no difficulty entertaining other perspectives, even if they say I’m wrong. Let the good times roll!

In one sense nothing can be made wrong if what we are writing is a “share.”

Long ago now, I attended a three-month residential encounter group and it was there that I first saw that a share cannot be made wrong. A “share” is me or you saying how it is for us, deeply and truly. There is nothing about a share that can be rendered wrong – providing it’s a share.

Each person’s share is verifiable only by them and valid for them. If they felt annoyed, then they felt annoyed. If they were exhilarated, then that’s how they were. How could I make that wrong?

My first poem, which I still think was channeled, began with the thought arising in me: “I want you to know me deeply, truly as I am.” (1)

Shares are the great leveller. Your truth is your truth. Only you know, and only you can tell me if what you say is true. Only you can contribute your truth.

Unlike scientific knowledge, your share cannot be empirically validated or for that matter empirically reproduced. If we are unique, as Adamu says we are, then our uniqueness is most evident in what we share.

If I were God for a day (I know. I know. We are God, right?), I would accord a very high place in the pantheon of social knowledge to sharing and listening. I would make them required subjects for at least two years in school, maybe more.

I’d endeavor to turn out citizens who knew a very great deal about how to listen – to listen for tone, emotion, meaning, metaphor, conditioning, etc. – and how to share – to share the literal truth, the emotional truth, the consequences, the unspoken thoughts, the withholds.

If NESARA had come twenty years ago, I would by now be (hopefully) an accomplished teacher of listening and sharing – listening first, sharing only later. I definitely missed my calling. Having done a great deal else, what I miss most is that I could not find a way to earn my living by listening.

But NESARA comes soon enough and perhaps I’ll be enabled at that point to pick up the thread.

In my view, very, very few people know what good listening constitutes and even fewer actually do listen to another. But that’s another story.

So here’s to Adamu’s uniqueness as the answer to specialness. Here’s to listening and sharing and let the chips fall where they may. And here’s to having the leisure time at some point to pick up the lost threads and really make a contribution to civilization that this rat race we’ve all been engaged in has never allowed.

(1) I want you to know me deeply, truly as I am.

There’s something I haven’t told you about me.
It’s a piece of me I keep locked up inside.
I’ve chosen not to be that part of me.
I’ve hid from you and lied about who I am.

I’m not available to you then.
Neither am I available to me.
So sharing with you the part of me I hide
Means I show up here. I arrive. I’m on the scene.

I was dead to life before this moment.
Part of me was absent, not then around.
I hadn’t known you or me before this instant.
I looked to find you in my thoughts and failed.

I want to be myself with you, let down my guard, relax
So you can know me deeply, truly as I am.
My hands begin to shake at just the thought of it.
Everything dear comes up to be let go of once again.

I want you to know me deeply, truly as I am.
All of me; there’s not a part of me that isn’t love -
My bound expression; my eccentricities; my requests -
They’re all of me; they’re all my self expressed.

I want you to know me deeply, truly as I am.
I’m prepared to lose it all, if lose I must.
Help me. Love me. Right now I need your caring hand
To stand before you here and tell you who I am.
