Nancy B. Detweiler
Twin Flame, Uriel
How can Earth humans best evolve from allegiance to individual nations to co-creating a planetary society for New Earth?
Flags and a national anthem have inspired Earth humans for thousands of years. The part of us that is eternal—THE ETERNAL SELF—has pledged allegiance to numerous nations as we repeatedly incarnated on Earth, choosing to incarnate as members of multiple races and citizens of multiple nations. Each incarnation offered its own unique learning experience.
In 2014, how do we evolve from being citizens of one nation to co-creating our NEW EARTH and becoming a citizen of a planetary society and a member of the Galactic Federation of Light Planets?
Uriel and I believe that having a New Earth Planetary Flag and anthem would be extremely helpful by giving Earth humans something tangible to which to give allegiance.
The flag could be something like this, indicating the goals of a planet abiding in Love and Peace. An example may help in visualizing. I am not suggesting a flag this busy, but it depicts the idea.
Paul Luftenegger has already composed and recorded his song “Universal Love,” which would make an excellent anthem. You may listen to the music and read the lyrics at: http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2013/11/01/universal-love-paul-luftenegger-songwriter-singer/
I know that I am speaking to a very creative audience! What are your thoughts? Do you agree that having a flag and anthem for all of us to rally around—regardless of our present individual nation—would tie us together as “planetary citizens” in ways that could have untold miraculous results? They may also be a means of explanation and an invitation to join us for those who know nothing about the New Earth we are to co-create.
A small business for a talented Lightworker could very possibly result–designing and making the flag. Having his song as planetary anthem would certainly spread the news of Paul’s marvelous and very timely music.
I hope you will share this idea and let’s see what happens!
I am on facebook under the name Nancy Brooks Detweiler and can be reached there.
(2/15/14) Having trouble with the link to Paul’s bio/lyrics website: http://paulluftenegger.com/bio–lyrics.html If this link does not work from my blog, you will need to goggle him for the site. It does not work to copy and paste from my blog.
2/15/14 PROGRESS REPORT ON FLAG & ANTHEM FOR LIGHTWORKERS: Heather Mac submitted an idea for a flag and has more ideas! Another musical composer, Nancy Orr, is thinking of writing an anthem … Heather Mac suggested: “Give Peace A Chance”– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhyiqGIJQus We have Paul Luftenegger‘s “Universal Love.” I see no reason why we could not have a collection of songs that depict the characteristics of the New Earth we are creating. A variety would meet the needs of various types of music lovers. Then if we decide to vote on one overall anthem, we can also include the remaining suggestions as a package of “Lightworker Songs.”
Keep your ideas coming! Also be thinking about how we can get this done. Uriel (my Twin Flame not on Earth, whose idea this is) and I are affirming that Lightworkers will have a flag and an anthem/Song Collection … We are taking this first step knowing that working together, we can do this!
I am envisioning our flag and anthem/songs attracting much attention and granting understanding to many who would not otherwise awaken to the fact that we are to be co-creators of our New Earth!