The Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ April 6

Lia's picture



Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation 


The Planetary Grid Transmissions

Full Moon - Friday, April 6  


 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  


Sydney, Australia: 8 pm

Country of India: 8 pm

 Paris, France: 8 pm

New York, USA: 9 pm









Dear Light Team, Grid Transmitters and GEO Teams,


With each day this week, as the Moon grows full, our heart-lights are expanding with pure love frequencies as we enter the days of the Easter holy season.  This time of rebirth, transfiguration and ascension mirrors the focus of our Children of the Sun Group Soul and the air is full of the harmony of individual purpose and self-less service to Humanity. 


However, many of our soul family are feeling the squeeze of conflict as we move fully into this portal year of 2012.  Our planet trembles daily, long dormant volcanoes are awakening, weather is erratic and we are feeling the effects of geomagnetic pulses and the increased solar activity of our Sun.  As Light Transmitters, our service to harmonize and ease the birth pains of humanity and our planet is critical so we may move gracefully into the higher frequencies of the New Earth.  Together, we must draw upon the Platinum Light of Divine Union to build and strengthen our Group Christ Harmonic so we may transmit the light codes of Divine Perfection upon the Crystalline Grid this Full Moon. 


As the Children of the Sun once again receive The Amazon Transmissions, now in full conscious awareness, let us also consciously transmit these codes so all of humanity may be purified, merge into Oneness in the Unified Field and be liberated into multi-dimensionality.   We ARE the ones we have been waiting for...and our time is now!


Let our hearts be filled with the purity of the pristine natural elements of the Amazon during this full moon and throughout the holy days of rebirth, so we, ourselves, may be reborn as fully conscious Christed beings! 


Blessed Children of the Sun, the Ascension is happening NOW!







The Planetary Grid Transmissions

Full Moon this Friday, April 6


Following are the key focuses of this transmission which we will all receive again, in conscious awareness of what is being transferred:
Unity Consciousness
was actualized through Divine Harmony in group formation and the interlocking matrix of code transference. A true Christ Harmonic  was realized and the level of frequency harmonic that is needed for the success of communal living. 
Liberation into Multidimensionality
was actualized through non identification and non attachment to the small self thus opening self as a multidimensional portal of light and transformation. 
The Divine Joy of Living through a Deep Connection with Nature
was actualized through absolute faith, unconditional acceptance and the fearless surrendering to the unknown without resistance or any expectation of outcome.  Going outside of the comfort zone to realize the simplicity of living holds the key codes to the new Divine Human blueprint. 
Merging Into Oneness with the Unified Field 
We merged into oneness with the Unified Field of Living Light.  Mastery of the techniques of pure, raw meditation and being unplugged from the artificial grid of illusion sustained our subtle and physical bodies purely from the cosmic magnetics of the Earth and the Stars.  
Deep Levels of Purification
were endured especially on the physical, emotional and mental bodies and in those places that shut the windows of the multidimensional mind. We actualized the greater release of the  old blueprint and held traumas and deeply embedded energy blocks. 
There were lessons in patience, non-attachment and practice residing in blissful awareness regardless of the surrounding illusion. 
Resulting in...  
- altered brainwave frequency patterning which dissolved the stories from the ego-personality narratives 
- the opening of the crystalline seals held within the DNA resulting in cellular transformation and pineal gland expansion 
- a re-wiring and rebooting of the nervous system in order to sustain the opened pathway into the expanded perception of multidimensional awareness. 
- seeing and experiencing the light body 
- balancing of the brain hemispheres...  rising of the androgynous blueprint and divine innocent child; thinking from the heart-brain.   



For more information on how to effectively utilize and receive the

Planetary Grid Transmissions from the Crystalline Grid,








This is the daily prayer that the Amazon Avatars are using to support our collective transformational focus and one that is achieving tremendous results. Please join us! 




Group Avatar Invocation  


Oh Mighty I AM Presence and Legions of the Sacred Fire... we call forth the most powerful penetration of God's Solar Fire... to blaze in, through and around our entire Group Body. Connect us now... to the I AM Presence of All Life... including the wisdom of Ascended Nature and the Forces of the Elements.  

We command that our multi-body system reflect and embody the patterns of the Immaculate Concept... transmuting any limiting energies into the perfection of God. We call for the fusion of our consciousness with the consciousness of the Christ and for that Christ Flame to continually impress in and through us.


May we be emptied of all that no longer serves the highest purpose of the Divine Plan... so that we may be as hollow instruments... open and ready to receive solar radiation of our I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self.


As living crystals, programmed to activate the divine blueprint, we invoke the FULL remembrance of our natural ability to transfer divine particles of energy outwardly to all life and to simultaneously receive this same activating energy inwardly through our bodies and the Unified Field. 


Mother-Father God, fill our healing circles with the transfiguring power of Divine Love. Empower us to act a group of empty cups...  as mighty conduits of the Amazonian life force... which is then to be transferred out to all Humanity. 


All Mighty I AM THAT I AM, please use us as one Group Harmonic... as a super conductive forcefield through which to transfer the ascending streams of light externally to all life. 


We affirm and command that our entire beloved planet and her host of lifeforms... be raised up to the SAME level of vibration.


And SO IT IS. 


Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM! 






