Pleiadian Concepts for The New Age by Lesley Hicks

Lia's picture

2. Flowing/Flow-ering- When we are in the FLOW, we are in manifestation. Through TRUST-ing our Cosmic Mother, we can flow with our Hearts. When we FLOW, we FLOWER, we grow in our natural way and the Mother Supports our Divine Love.

3. There is no karma and there is no past lives. When we exist in Consciousness, there is no karma because we are always CO-creating from our HIGHER SELF. When there is AWARENESS, all things exist simultaneously. When we are CONNECTED, we can receive ALL WISDOM in each moment. Therefore, all lives exist in the NOW.

4. You are loved UNCONDITIONALLY.

5. Your heart chakra is what keeps you BALANCED.

6. Your THOUGHTS create your reality. You can create flowers or weeds.

7. Give LOVE, receive LOVE.

8. Shine your LIGHT!

9. Be empowered in the YOU!

10. The YOU is the Divine ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS you are when you are not here. The ANGEL sitting in the chair, Golden.


12. We create through joining with others as CO-CREATORS creating from our Higher Self, we create from our Higher Self such as says:

"Pure Unconditional Love and Light of my True Higher Self, I co-create in the name of Spirit Divine Love, Joy, Happiness, Peace, and Abundance, and so it is!" (Prayers by Lesley Hicks)

13. We are here not to follow, but to FLOWER! <3

14. It is time for us now to CO-CREATE. We create the shifts we experience.

15. We are Ascended NOW.

Teaching summary of The Pleiadians Through Lesley Hicks Copyright 2013, (Jaina) Ma Atmananda, this may be shared so long as it is not altered, pieces of the information are not taken and used out of context, and that if any of these teachings are use in part or parcel that a link back and credit be given to Lesley Hicks (Jaina) Ma Atmananda 2013.

El Morya/El Anora- El Anora is a twin flame of El Morya.