The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: “Fill your Hearts and Minds with the Energies of the One Infinite Creator” (10-2)
-Channeled by Wes Annac-
To see the true shape your world is in, and not the state that is shown in your media, one only needs to look to the most recent developments happening all around. Everywhere, even in the United States, people are beginning to truly stand up for their rights as citizens of this world. Have we not told you in previous messages and through plenty of scribes that this is what you would be seeing shortly before all of the major changes started happening? And the best part of it is, we are not directly enacting these changes. Though we have played a major part in the collective awakening of humanity, we only took you so far before you started to act on your own. And this is exactly what is happening! We helped direct the intense energies in from the cosmos, and the majority of those awakening on your world have absorbed those energies, integrated them and used them to assimilate knowledge that the elite would have never imagined you getting ahold of.
The elite on your world had assumed that they would forever be the only souls on Earth to know about the ascension prophecies. They thought they would be able to do whatever they wanted with the majority of humanity, and at the end of all of the unfairness and destruction they would actually ascend and take on a Light body form. We have reminded them many times of the strict law of Karma, and we have told them that bad cannot ever measure out to good consequences. Still, they drown us out as if we do not know what we are speaking of, as if they are actually smarter than us. It is a phenomenon of ego, one that we have forgiven them for. We ask you all as we have before, when the protests spread all around and the trials begin, despite what you find out about the cabal which is much, much more than you will expect to find out, please give the dark your compassion and forgiveness. It would be entertaining the way the dark on your world is acting if there weren’t such serious consequences at stake. We see them now blatantly attempt to deny their end which has now arrived, so much so that they still think they can stage a false alien invasion on your world. From the time of this communication, we have told them a long time ago that we have truly taken the protective role over you that they try to deny us having and that we would not allow them to stage an alien invasion. Even still, they force on with their own agendas while being defeated in almost every area. At this point we can only give them Love, as they so desperately need it at this time.
We now see you all taking control over your world and the state of affairs it is in. We have told you so very many times that to truly see us arrive in our ships you will have to first begin taking responsibility of your world, begin taking it back from the cabal. We cannot do all of the work for you dear souls, as despite everything this is your reality and these are your conflicts to resolve. Take that fact not as a bad sign; in fact it is the opposite. You are now all stepping up to these roles and demanding your rights as sovereign citizens of planet Earth. Many of you have been wondering if the increased actions for justice playing out on the world stage would finally lead to the long awaited disclosure announcements, and in these respects we say go with your feelings, with your intuition. You are all much more psychic than you think, and for the most part much of you is in fact not existing in the physical realm. Though third dimensional Earth is where your body exists, the majority of your being is off on other, higher and sometimes lower planes of Living, growing and learning just as much as you are in your bodies on Earth. Through consciously traveling on the astral planes, many of you are becoming more and more aware of these realities existing right along with your own physical reality, and this is a result of your ascension processes and the energies that have been guiding them. At a certain point, every soul begins to become aware of the other realities, of the ‘underworlds’ if you will.
Many of your ancient civilizations were very interested with the astral planes that lie beyond Life and how to get to these lands and bring back knowledge about them to the physical world. For many cultures, the obsession with spirituality and the astral planes or ‘underworlds’ began with the people of the tribes wondering about the phenomenon of death. Unlike many people today on your world, the souls of these tribes did not think or assume that their Loved ones who passed away simply ceased to exist. These tribes did not deal with the societal and cultural conditioning that many have to deal with in your current time, so they were for the most part free to speculate as they wished about the process of death and where it takes one. Though some of your darker ancient civilizations have developed theories about death being the ultimate end, the majority of tribes and civilizations did not. Many simply assumed that their Loved ones had departed body and gone somewhere else, to a different land. This thinking was and is a result of knowledge held in Atlantis and a result of common sense. We are not saying that those who think death is the end are lacking common sense, as everyone has their own theories about Life and those theories should be honored. Even still, from a certain perspective the concept of non-existence can be a bit hard to wrap ones head around. Even the ‘void less darkness’ that many fear when it comes to death and ceasing to exist is itself existence, is itself Creation. Therefore, it would be impossible to simply not exist as whatever space you find yourself ‘not’ existing in exists itself! And you exist inside of it, all around it!
As a result of the perceived ‘magic’ that many souls of your ancient civilizations could remember from Atlantis, the concept of other worlds and other realities was of great interest to many souls. Even the most recent civilizations from the past couple centuries have had more of an interest in spirituality and finding the Light than your history books like to report. We have spoken many times of how different your true history is compared to what you have been told, and the subject of spirituality goes right along with this. So many souls in your recent history have been fascinated by many of the things your ‘mainstream’ scientists would label as fiction or fairy tales. Much has been discovered about the true nature of Life by civilizations of your history, recent and long ago, and much of those findings and discoveries have been covered up by the very elites that have been themselves following and further developing these discoveries. Many of them choose to lean more towards the black arts, as with the Light arts a strict code of service to others must be followed, and this code does not fit in with the elites’ agenda. Only black arts would allow one to perform rituals of a controlling nature on another soul. The elite on your world will have their media make fun of the very things they themselves study and follow very, very closely. We ask you to recognize and appreciate the humor that is the irony of this truth.
Greetings to all! I AM SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine. As we sit from our motherships and starships and watch all of the progress you are making on your world collectively and individually, we well up with very intense emotion. The state of your world has changed dramatically in even the past year of your time. Just a ‘year’ ago your dark thought that despite the off-world guys coming in and telling them they can no longer run things, they would still stay golden and still be able to pillage all they want. They are now finding that this simply is not the case! The Light has once again become triumphant, and though the collective state of your world is only beginning to reflect this, that simple reflection will grow and grow in size until it becomes a full-fledged reality. As you dear souls have aligned together to put a stop to the dark’s actions, so has the state of your world reflected this. So many dear souls have thought to themselves how they wished they could do something about the unfair state their world is in, only to have the painful realization set in that without other souls on their side, there would be nothing they could do. Have we not told you countless times of the true power of numbers? The elite make up a very, very small fraction of your population. Imagine dear souls if everybody on your world unanimously stood up against these souls, which is a possibility that is now gaining support.
More and more and more and more people are beginning to realize that finally there is something they can do about the injustices occurring daily. As more people realize they have been having the same thoughts, same fears about and problems with their governments, these people are galvanizing together and beginning to take action. When in meditation, we ask you to feel the joy and excitement of the souls who are now in protest all across your world. Feel the anticipation in them, feel the newfound sense of sovereignty and freedom knowing that how your world gets run is in their hands, not some rich man wearing a suit’s. As mentioned above, these protests are to spread to everywhere, more than they already are. As each day goes by you will hear more and more about these protests and about how they are spreading to areas big and small. In reference to the protests going on in the states, did you not notice how at first your media was completely ignoring these protests, and now slowly but surely they are beginning to talk about them? As other Divine sources on your internet will tell you, this is a result of a very effective treaty we signed with your dark relating to less harsh consequences when they are ‘busted’ globally in exchange for looser restraints on their media, which is to quickly become your media as this treaty comes fully into effect. Your media will begin by talking more and more about these protests occurring in the states and in other places, and combined with your collective actions in standing up for yourselves this will lead to a disclosure announcement. As always we do not give out dates, but suffice to say you can feel the energy of change that is sweeping through and how quickly it will bring about that which we all desire.
Dearest souls, we would all like you to consider, for the purpose of exercising your compassion muscles, the concept of letting some souls who were previously working for the dark come over to the side of the Light. Many ‘dark’ souls have in fact already jumped ship so to speak, and done all they can from their various positions to help aid the Light in any way they can in exchange for this changeover and their actions for the Light being explained to those of you who may wish ill on them for having ever worked with the dark. The ‘game plan’ if you will from the beginning of this whole ordeal was to have all of the souls of the dark on Earth join the Light at this time, the end of your ascension, and this was told to many of these dark souls centuries ago. Instead of taking these prophecies we were giving them as they were intended, your dark ones decided to drive down into denial by making up parts of the prophecies and twisting the original messages in the prophecies to ways that suited them better. They heard ‘by the end of your dastardly deeds you will seek forgiveness from those souls you have hurt and rejoin the Light and ascend’, and twisted it into, ‘you may do whatever you wish to those souls, not seek forgiveness, and still ascend while they suffer’. How they came to this conclusion from what they were told is a long, twisted road of denial and of carrying the traits of someone with a god complex.
We ask you now to look to the skies for signs that we are here with you. No, we are not yet directly exposing ourselves but we are leaving quite noticeable signs of our presence in your skies. Watch the next time you see a plane spraying a chemtrail. Watch as the chemtrail is either completely broken up on the spot, or as it simply evaporates away as if it were a simple contrail. Though you cannot yet see us in your skies, this is our doing. We have even been stationing our motherships in your skies on ‘stealth mode’ if you will and neutralizing the chemtrails as the pilots spray them. Sometimes the evidence of us doing this is pretty noticeable, as we do not always do these jobs invisibly. Sometimes we will simply cloak ourselves to look like something one is used to seeing in your sky, such as a cloud or regular airplane. Those unawakened souls think nothing of seeing a bulbous, oddly shaped and huge cloud in your sky that makes the trails from a plane disappear, but those awakened are beginning to see the signs. Your dark ones know we are stationing our motherships in your skies, as they have read this admission through various channeled messages. However, they cannot detect us on their radar and this frustrates them. Even with the ‘advanced’ technology they received from their former off world overlords, they are still not able to detect us. They are able to watch us neutralize chemtrails as they know what we are doing when the expensive poison they spray simply disappears, but it really gets to them when they cannot pick us up on radar or attack us in any way. It makes them feel helpless against the Light.
We have wished for them to know for so long that this was the way things would always work out. Despite the dark’s immense hatred of us, and the hatred of some of you on Earth towards the dark, we Love them very dearly with all of our hearts, and we do not enjoy seeing them go through so much pain. We know it is their karma for making you all go through such pain, but watching anyone suffer for any reason hurts us as much as it does your Creator. Your Loving Creator created all of us equally, including your dark ones, and it touches the Creator with disappointment that instead of ascending with you, many of your dark ones will instead be going to much lower places of suffering and anguish for their actions. Such is karma, and it is nothing they can escape no matter how hard they try or how much they attempt to stall and blatantly refuse something that is already happening anyway.
I AM SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and together with the Pleiadian High Council work diligently to see that Resumed Contact and Disclosure go off very soon and without a hitch. Matters had been stalled for a time, but that time has truly passed and you are seeing evidence of this everywhere. It has been prophesized that when humanity begins to stand up for itself as a collective, many miracles and happenings that are at present unfathomable to the very souls standing up seem to manifest instantly. In these sensitive times of fluctuating change, we ask you to be still and be at peace. Fill your Heart and Mind with the higher vibes and Loving energies of your One Infinite Creator, and call on us at any time to be with you and manifest events that will see you progressing more easily and with greater strength. As you read this message, we are with you. Feel our connection right now with you, and even as you go away from this message we ask you to feel and anchor our energies that we know many of you are feeling, even if you don’t quite realize it yet.
Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa.