Dearest Sweet Angels of the Light,
We stand ready. We stand reading for the Heart Consciousness awakening that is within you, for the love that you are all, and for the Light that is within your beings, we are the Pleiadians and it is time for change. Change is about being willing to step aside from the Consciousness that says, "I must survive", and into the Consciousness of your Heart. We are always working with your beliefs, your beliefs about Love, your belief about who you are, and your belief, about what it means to be human.
Hueman being of Eternal Love and Light, are you not the Masters who walked this planet? When the Masters were persecuted, who gave love with the emmense force of their being so strong that the memory of their Truth now remains etched in the memory of every human being on the planet, yes, dear Ones, it was those Beloveds.
Beloved Family and Loved Ones, the Angels that you all are.
Now, my sweet Angels of the Light, you have held the sword that is the reason that is your logical birth mind, but this is the Consciousness of control and at its roots is fear.
The Truth is that the lance of the sword is the gentleness of the Heart, for when you are activated within your heart chakra your mind is illuminated through the third eye and the Cosmic Creator, you are bathing in love.
You see that each person on the planet is loved just as they are and that they are Family, my dear FAMILY, that is your strength, for when you are loved you are stronger than any force that will ever cross your path, for you are the Lightworker, you are the Light being, you are the Angel.
There is no limit to where you can go and what you can perceive, no end to the beauty of your heart and it all starts with your Unity.
Pick up your Heart and sing the chorus of Infinte Love, for this Truly is your Isis, the Beloved Goddess of the Heart.
So beloveds, a simple message, but a powerful one. It is time to CO-CREATE and it all starts with loving one another.
We are The Pleiadians, we are here, and we love you unconditionally.
The Pleiadian Collective
The Pleiadians through Lesley Hicks Copyright 2013, Jaina, Ma Shakti (Ma Atmananda)
This may be shared so long as the integrity of how it is written is maintained. Thank you.
Blessings to The Pure Unconditional Love and Light of the True Lord Krishna. I pray for your mercy each day.