Commentary from GFP:

Please, take all these events with a smile,
with full joy of knowing that Truth will be available to US all to see...
Keep your cool, do not judge him in any way,
as this is what his job was...
To awake as many souls who blindly believed in Church and his highness...
that they are the only ones who can contact God on your behalf...
The only thing you have to do was to pay...
And only then you would be 'forgiven' 'sins' you never did...
And only then you would be relieved from 'sins' that they are not...
Now, time as come where all the truth will be exposed...
All the
deceptions, all the controls, all the lies, all the media fabrications...
All is coming on the surface, to Free THEM AND YOU...
As the Truth will set US ALL FREE...
Deceiver and Deceived...
Knowing that we are all one Family, no matter which side of the coin we played...
Give him as much compassion, as he is going to need it...
His task become NOW very tough...
He will stay in front of the whole world cameras, and with true apologetic demeanor, he will admit wrong doings, asking you for forgiveness...
as he will disclose all the wrongdoings of his Church... As he will return all the stolen money and assets and gold to respectful countries and people...
And he is already very very sorry for not doing this earlier...
So, please enjoy the show... say big thank you when Vatican returns all the funds to You... Accept it freely as this belongs to you dear Brothers and Sisters...
Keep in your Heart only forgiveness and compassion, knowing that you do not have to be responsible for acts against Humanity that our dear Ratzinger and his organization did... He IS...
Simply by forgiving them, you recognize the Freedom that is offered to you... Yet keeping grudges against anyone, even a pope, you still holding on to old paradigm of existence, and this would not bring you toward Freedom...
Choose wisely, and have fun in every choice you make...
Consider this: there is no more 'them' or 'us-followers'... we are all now ONE... from ONE GOD... we are all ONE GOD...
With Love and Forgiveness to our dear pope Ratzinger, Predrag/Saint Germain
Pope Benedict to step down April 15 2012
According to Italian daily newspaper “Libero”, Pope Benedict XVI is thinking about leaving the papacy next April, when he will turn 85
ANdrea Tornielli
Vatican City
There is one front page news story that will certainly not go unnoticed: that is, that the Pope is thinking about resigning during the Spring of 2012. Journalist Antonio Socci has confirmed the same in the Italian daily, Libero.
“For now,” Socci writes, “he is saying that this may be true (Joseph Ratzinger’s personal assumption), but I hope the story does not reach the news. But this rumor is circulating high up in the Vatican and therefore deserves close attention. The Pope has not rejected the possibility of his resignation when he turns 85 in April next year.”
Socci recalls that the assumption he will resign, without any hitches, was the same thing Ratzinger talked about in an interview in the book “Luce del mondo” (Light of the World), when, in response to a question by interviewer Peter Seewald, he said: “When a Pope arrives at a clear awareness that he no longer has the physical, mental, or psychological capacity to carry out the task that has been entrusted to him, then he has the right, and in some cases, even the duty to resign.” Furthermore, in another passage, Benedict XVI wondered if he would be able to “withstand it all, just from the physical point of view.”
Next Up is Peter the Roman.