Pope Francis launches reform of Vatican bureaucracy, with cleanup of Vatican bank

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The Washington Post - Anthony Faiola, 10/18/13


Pope Francis’s viral quotes on wealth, abortion, atheists, war and gay Catholics: The quotable pontiff’s style is made for the Twitter age. Here are some of his most widely shared quotes, from ‘Who am I to judge?’ to ‘even the atheists’ are redeemed.


Since succeeding Benedict XVI, Francis has publicly sought to transform the tone of his office, extending surprise olive branches to everyone from gays and lesbians to professed atheists. But much more quietly, Vatican officials and observers say, the new pontiff has also begun to alter the atmosphere inside the Holy See, taking steps to shed light on the notoriously opaque Vatican Curia.


In a place where change is often measured in decades if not centuries, Francis personally moved to oust top officials of the secretive Vatican bank only days after a fresh corruption scandal engulfed the institution, officials say. Francis has also backed a push for greater financial transparency, while moving faster than many expected to replace Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone — Benedict’s secretary of state, who once wielded the power of a vice pope. Bertone, who allegedly stymied efforts to clean up Vatican City, was seen by many observers as a big part of the Holy See’s problem.


More: WashingtonPost.com


