Pope orders RFID chipping in the Vatican (Video)

MomT's picture
Exopermaculture  Posted on

To follow up on the last post, I find this article very instructive. Here we have the Roman Catholic Church turning on its own priests in the Vatican! Talk about distrust! And it reminds me of the German Central Bank turning on its fellows (and see this), not trusting that the New York Fed has the gold it claims to have, so calling its bluff by asking to repatriate its physical gold.

It appears that the cabal begins to undergo the inevitable process of cannabalization that attends attitudes and actions that serve only the few at the expense of the many.

Thanks to americankabuki for the pointer.

Published on Jan 18, 2013




HAHAHAAAA. Wow, that's

Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

HAHAHAAAA. Wow, that's interesting.  That's not gonna stop the TRUTH being told, quite the opposite. 


Thanks MomT.  You are such a very special Hathor. Always taking time to share truth with us because you care. I thank Spirit for your presence.


Love Geeta