Portal Open and Anchored in New Divine Supreme Matrix System and Paradigm

lynmarie8's picture

Portal Open and Anchored in New Divine Supreme Matrix System and Paradigm.

New Fibonacci Frequency's, Colors and New Connections to Harmonic Universal tones and Frequency's of 12 and above.  All has been anchored in and connected through Crystalline Grids of Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Solar, Planetary, Gaia, for all to receive as above as below unified as One!



All Content is Copyrighted 2013 by LynMarie8 and can be reposted with full acknowledgement of article. www.lynmarie8.com




Crystalline Grids

Judy Frida's picture

Does this explain the rainbow crystal lights I see in my peripheral vision at times? Tonight, just after 11PM PST I saw a sort of a half arc (tipped on its side like a backwards "C") of refracted, many-colored, sparkling lights on the left side of my peripheral vision.I saw just this same thing but in a circle last winter as my father-in-law was transitioning to non-physical many states away. These structures obscure my normal vision just enough that I must focus on them--it's like I'm seeing the world through a frame of many prisms.  Tonight I decided to soften my vision and follow bodily sensations as I focused on the beauty of these lights and  was guided to move my upper body into unusual positions. I followed the guidance and feel I was given a beautiful realignment. I don't know about portals necessarily, but I thought I would ask for a nudge in a direction to seek more information. I don't even know how I found your blog (Facebook?), but within moments of receiving this gift, I was reading your words. Thank you.

This a spectrum of light that

lynmarie8's picture

This a spectrum of light that have not being here before, but I am being told yes you are seeing them. These 144 rays of color, sound and frequency can heal, bring things back into perfection before to there original state. These things were just given to me as a gift for healing last week. I have not learned how to use them yet fully. My work is always open to be receive by all. Just by reading it you are aware of it and can receive all clearing and healing that was done up to the work that is posted.

