Power-Packed Longevity Fruit a Boon for Diabetics (and Health Enthusiasts Too)

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Power-Packed Longevity Fruit a Boon for Diabetics (and Health Enthusiasts Too) - Luo Han Guo Ye - Monk Fruit

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A fruit belonging to the gourd family is causing quite a stir among health conscious consumers as an all-natural sweetener that won’t aggravate diabetes or contribute to maladies like cancer, heart disease, obesity, candida or tooth decay. Many times sweeter than sugar, Luo Han Guo (Siraitia grosvernorii) only contains 2 calories per serving and will not elevate blood sugar levels. The secret to its sweetness is found in mogroside, a compound from the same glycoside family as stevia.

A humble melon, the fruit was reportedly eaten by monks in 13th century China and is frequently known by its common name: monk fruit. Considered a longevity superfood, local residents of the Guangxi Province in Southern China consume the fruit regularly and enjoy exceptional life spans.
