Preparation for the Financial Collapse

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Preparation for the Financial Collapse

by 2012thebigpicture

In light of the advisement that deposit insurance is possibly gone in the U.S. and the financial collapse that much nearer, I thought it might be a good idea to restate the recommended precautions to those new to the blog so we can weather several upcoming events without undue hardship and with minimal inconvenience.
I'm not referring to financial decisions or advice. That is up to you.
We know the financial collapse is coming, however, and have no way of knowing the level of disruption to expect in such a situation, so it would be prudent to be prepared.
In addition to the calamities the financial collapse and restructuring may cause, we've also been advised that when the announcements about disclosure and the visual evidence of our star nations appear, those who are completely unaware of the current situation and what 2012 is all about will probably be incapacitated to some degree.
Some will be in shock, some denial, some excitement and wonder---but I think it's safe to say that since Ascension is the prime goal this year and many are completely unprepared---that Humanity as a whole will need time to assimilate the news and do some research into their brand new reality. They will need to learn what Ascension is and what it will mean to them.
We will need time off work to spend with family, friends and neighbours to help us process the developments and future events planned, so stores may be closed, services unavailable, and only basic infrastructure in place for sanitation, water and power.
Lump all those issues into one scenario and we may have what seems to be chaos for a week or two---or more. It depends on how rapidly people adapt to the situation, and that is an unknown.
In Lightworker circles, of course many will be elated just to see real movement in any direction---be it a financial collapse, disclosure, First Contact, or all of this together; we've been saying, "Let's do this already!" for months but there are many citizens of the planet who will be blindsided.
We Lightworkers have to trust that we have reached those we were meant to awaken. Those not ready to accept this reality will awaken at the perfect time for them. Perhaps it's up to you to share the Truth with some of your loved ones, if they are receptive.
If you haven't already prepared, I recommend you read my earlier post (see below) and take the precautions you feel drawn to include as your security so you will not be without what you need, and will also be in a position to give aid to others. Maybe none of it will be required, but how much are you willing to risk?
We will all come through this just fine if we retain our composure, relax, feel the unity of Gaia's peoples and enjoy everything that makes 2012 the phenomenal and much lauded year it is. Whatever happens, it's just part of the process on our way to bringing Heaven to Earth.
May 2012  Note:  This information was based on the situation at the time. Some things have changed, but go with your intuition.
We have been warned that there will be some inconveniences and disruptions when the mass arrests of the Illuminati begin. The reasons are many. We don't know exactly WHEN the plan will be implemented, because when you're at war, you don't share your strategy and timelines with the enemy.
Law enforcement and the military will be utilized to keep the peace and implement the arrests, so they have been briefed on the plan first.
You can imagine that when the masses learn that the world as they know it has abruptly changed, they may be in shock and some will panic. The fear response has been bred into us by the dark cabal for years and peace will be ours again but there will be significant turmoil in the weeks to come that will require preparation on our part. Law enforcement will be on point to keep the peace and protect civilians so anyone caught looting, rioting or in any way trying to profit from the situation will be arrested immediately and put in jail.
One of the things that must be done to contain the sinister cabal so they cannot flee is to close the U.S. borders. NO ONE will be allowed to enter or leave the country until those on the Arrest List have been rounded up and incarcerated. Similar actions have taken place in Europe but of course, the mainstream media are still under the control of the Elite and not permitted to share that yet.
The members of the dark cabal are already running scared, ratting on each other, and know their demise is near. IF one or more of them decided to go out with a bang, they might decide to use bombs in places of significance, so suspect places will be off limits to the public.
The financial arrests will legally freeze all funds and all banks will be shut down. Cash will be the only way to purchase food, gas, medications, etc.
People will need time to assimilate what is going down and will need time off work to catch up on what has been going on behind the scenes, why, and what is coming in the future. At this point, the mainstream media will finally be opened up to share the truth with the world. Imagine 9/11 on a national scale, or greater...
People will need information and will want to be in front of the TV or on the Internet to learn more. Channels will be provided for that purpose. Stores, services, etc. will probably be closed for at least three days to a couple of weeks, until people are able to come to terms with what they will probably perceive as chaos and a potentially threatening situation. They will need time to regroup and ensure they and their families are safe and able to survive the disruptions.
We are assured that water, electricity, etc. will continue to be available, but again, if one of these psychotic members of the cabal decides to sabotage something before law enforcement have a chance to take them out of their position of authority, they might be successful in temporarily disabling a system.
As I said, this strategy to take back America has been in the planning stages for decades and no aspect of the process has avoided scrutiny. All efforts to protect civilians will be made, however our cooperation is necessary to help things run smoothly and to keep everyone safe.
People who are arrested will be immediately replaced with qualified interim staff so that disruptions will be minimized. Down the road, elections will take place to fill all positions that will fairly represent The People in a new government.
We will NOT have a lot of notice before the plan is implemented, so please take the following precautions NOW and tell your friends and family to do the same. Nothing of this scale has EVER been attempted before, so there is no way to know exactly what will transpire, or how long it will take to get back to some semblance of normalcy---or at least the "new normal". The ease or difficulty with which citizens adapt to the situation will determine how long our daily routines will be disrupted.
Recommendations to Prepare for and Weather the Storm:
  1. Keep your cupboards and refrigerator stocked up. Shop every few days for key items so you have what you need, particularly facial and bathroom tissue, etc. Make sure you have sufficient pet food and medications for up to a month, just in case. You will use all these things eventually anyway. If possible, buy extra food and supplies in case someone else was unaware of the situation and is desperate.
  2. It wouldn't hurt to have a little drinking water on hand---just in case.
  4. Keep your vehicles full of fuel—minimum ¾ of a tank. If you have propane or gas tanks to run your home, make sure they're topped up as well. Heck, make sure the BBQ has lots of propane and you're doubly protected.
  5. Keep a fair amount of cash on hand with you, and if possible, get some silver coins. Debit and credit cards will be useless because the banking system will shut down and no money will be going in or out.
  6. If you have a CB radio, you may want to use that. Cell phones and land lines will probably be overwhelmed as the citizens of the world try to contact family to ensure they're alright, to share information, etc.
  8. Talk to your friends, family and neighbors and let them know what is planned. Send them to this blog so they can watch the videos and listen to the interviews. Stay calm and make it an adventure. Make sure everyone will be able to sustain themselves for a time under the temporary circumstances until the restrictions are lifted and life gets back to normal. If you have elderly parents or handicapped family members you may want to prepare ahead of time to care for them. The elderly don't adjust to change very well and may react in fear, anxiety, or panic. The more who know about this beforehand, the less fear and panic there will be when the time comes.
  9. Make it an adventure. Have a block party and make it a celebration. It really should be! Be creative and make sure no one is left alone. Stick together, have fun, listen to music, do some stargazing, have a bonfire. Share information, support everyone and let them know that everything is going to be alright. In fact, it will be better than it's ever been. How could it not? The People will be free. This is just one of those potholes we will need to negotiate—nothing more.
Now that you know the plan and can prepare, you can relax. Just remember that it will only be as bad as we make it. It can be really hard, or it can be relatively easy. Don't listen to any fear-mongering. When we look back on it, we want to be proud of the way we behaved.
I will post updates on this blog as often as I receive them, so if you click the "FOLLOW ME" BUTTON ON THE TOP LEFT OF MY BLOG, you can enter your email address, click on the confirmation link in the email sent to your inbox, and you will then be notified every time I post an update. This will keep you in the loop at all times.
I'm sure you're aware that this does not mark the advent of the "end times" the religious zealots are attempting to warn us about, or the end of humanity.  It is  merely a new beginning to a bright future. Fear-based religions are a product of the dark forces that have had us in their grip for centuries. The truth is, there is no religion in Heaven. All-That-Is does not want to be worshipped; merely acknowledged. If our Creator cares for us, then why would he/she nudge us along for eons of time and then snuff us out? It makes no sense and any notions concerning the end of the world or her people are steeped in fear. There's no room for fear in our life any more, and I'll get into the explanation of that in a future post.
Keep in mind that videos on the internet that share information that is not mainstream are always attacked by those who have no idea what's going on, haven't done their research, fear change, OR who have been hired by the cabal to discredit those who share the Truth. Ignore it. This is Truth, as you will soon discover.
I also remind you that there are other "stages", as I've said, where very dramatic productions are going on that synergistically affect this Financial situation. These synchronicities are all unfolding as they must for the betterment of the planet and her people. Have faith. It will all be more than worth the frustration, I promise you.
After all, this is part of what the year 2012 is all about; the end of life AS WE KNOW IT. Out with the old and in with the new! Rather than looking at it in a negative way, focus on the positive, and those around you will benefit as well.
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We will Be Posting Regular Blogs and Updates from this Blog about current developments. Love The Earth Allies

