The freshness of the coming year is heralded well before its dawn.
Transitions are rarely cataclysmic, overnight changes like the celebration of a 31st night would have us believe. More often, there are gradual shifts towards a tipping point, followed by an adjustment period of recalibration to a newer way of being.
So for those of us who found 2014 to be an impactful year, the suggestion would be to take the last few days of this year to assimilate and consciously integrate your growth. There would be habits and complaints to leave behind. There would be dreams and fears that have now largely dissolved. There would be relationships that have ended, or begun or changed in irrevocable ways. There would be unexpressed grief, as also celebrations left incomplete.
Importantly, more loudly than ever before, this year you may have begun to notice the whisper of a voice that invites you to the possibility of a completely new way of being and living.