~Preparing for the Starships Via Cloudships Decloaking~!

Lia's picture

Cloudships arriving onto the Grid that Surrounds Planet Earth=Heart. With Commentary from MotherGod


So beautiful

Rebeccaa's picture

They are lovely! I just love watching them. There is a place very close to where I live where I get to see this very often on my way home from work. Just magical, I get connected instantly.

I feel U Both...LOVE& LIGHT !!!

PinkStar1111's picture

Evening Mother,


Thanxx soo much, I felt that I was standing right with You.  I watch and always on the look out every day!  I wish for this  to happen for Me.. I will never give UP, NEVER..My day will come. And I know that Ashtar hears Me.....Hey Father..I LOVE You's !! and I'll see Ya's real SOON..YAY and a Yee-Haw...



((( hugzzzzzzz ))) :0)