In the Presence of Now

maidenhair's picture

  In the presence of now we begin to know the difference of Life's chosen choises


 Remembering what of the past has created todays' conversions

 Seeking to understand the elements of living in the now helps all to know the difference


 Never in awaken eye did one feel the difference of ascensions that opened the heartfelt reasons to be happier in a world filled with joy and laughter


 We assumed as gathering the stale matter of gravity holding us to close to the ground and not allowing to experience the difference of positive and negativity

 We experienced the darkness of unfolding matter and tis was the darker side of the moons


 Now has come the energy of movement as Oceans  fill our shores with tides of positive emotions ~ we have encountered the most as knowing what we know to be in truth


 Stand as high as reaching the skies onto the Galaxies beyond the Stargates of heavens

 Be in the Now and allow the creative forces to be what you so gracefully have designed for oneself.
