Prisoners paid £3 a day to work at call centre that has fired other staff

Rain's picture


GFP Note: For our readers in the U.S.,
£3 is $4.70.


August 8, 2012

Becoming Green, which took on prisoners for 'work experience', says dismissals 'part of normal call centre environment'

Becoming Green

The MoJ confirmed that prisoners from Prescoed prison had done 'work experience' at Becoming Green's call centre. Photograph: Becoming Green

A business is bussing in inmates from an open prison 21 miles away and paying them only £3 a day to work in its call centre.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) confirmed that dozens of prisoners from Prescoed prison in Monmouthshire, south Wales, had done "work experience" for at least two months at a rate of 40p an hour in the private company's telephone sales division in Cardiff.

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