Private TAUK Message from the Future and SaLuSa ~ 27 Nov 2011
Laura: Good evening SaLuSa and Future. I am glad you are both here. I have felt that both of you wished to make contact today. Please feel free to give your messages.
SaLuSa: We are in orbit; we are observing the current situation on Mother Earth. We see much unrest and uneasiness today. I have asked our Future to speak with you today.
Future: Indeed much unrest on your world Earth Beings. Many plans within plans, much fear and confusion all around your planet I see. For once, the developed countries are almost on equal foot with the poorer countries, when I look at the level of worries for their future. You are on the brink of many important developments this week, not all will be for the best, far from it. There are currently two polarities, one is pulling you down more and more into fear and the other is pulling you up. There is a division between those who wish to perpetuate the materialistic world, and those who do have the bigger picture in mind.
Truth be told, you all create your own destiny, your own truth, your own Future. Indeed, I split up in many options and possibilities. Like a river, I split up in many ways; many realities are created to match every single soul’s desires and needs for learning. The path of humanity is one, however within this future; you all make your own individual way. Some of you are ascended and do their service to the light on Mother Earth. Some of you have only recently ascended, and have not realized yet that it is so, and have no idea of what this means for them directly and personally.
Many of you now, can see in their inner eye what is on their path in their own future. While you are in your kitchen, doing your dishes or cooking, you are receiving messages from me, showing you possible futures. In fact we are working on your personal choices, considering all options, looking at all perspectives. In fact we also discuss the same aspects for your loved ones, and for the planetary scale. What for many years, you have thoughts was your imagination, will come more and more to light, and you will come to understand what truly and consciously is happening to you. You will come to understand consciously how your decision process works, how you are given all the scenarios.
Those of you who are ascended, will get to fully understand their active work with me on a daily basis. Contrary to common belief, life as an ascended being is in no way easier than in duality. Many of you need to digest these words, as many will encounter fear and resistance when looking at reality in the face, when looking at various options and scenarios. I look very much forward to my work with you all, and to our relationship as conscious beings.
Laura: Thank you Future. This message is very relevant for me today. SaLuSa would you like to give us an update?
SaLuSa: Yes, of course. I wished to express our admiration for you again, dear souls. You are very brave and it is now more important than ever to remain in your sacred space, in your heart, and not to allow the lower vibrations pierce through your love protection. When you feel unrest, fear, or even panic, please remember that you are divine beings, on the surface of Mother Earth. Please remember that your body is only a day job costume, but that night time, you are fully rejoining us in the higher dimensions.
When you find yourself experiencing these moments of doubt, please stop whatever it is that you are doing. Close your eye, and just be present, just Be. Experience your weight on Mother Earth, experience your breath, and experience the mechanic of your physical body. Experience your life force, your energy inside your body. Experience seeing with your eyes closed, experience sensing the outer world, by sensing your own inner world. Can you feel and hear the world around you; can you feel and hear the world inside of you? Is it not really the one and same thing? Is it not really a difference of dimensions and scale? Are you not an ascended being already?
You can see with your eyes closed, you can feel your body, and hear the voices in the entire universe all at once. It simply depends on the experience you chose to have, and if you chose to remain within these boundaries. As divine beings, there are no limitations for you. What you will decide to do with your world is decisive in the coming days. Dear friends, as ascended beings, Mother Earth’s changes will pose no threat to you. You will be able to foresee all danger in advance. What is very much needed now is peace for your heart, peace for Mother Earth. Remember to sense the outside world on a daily basis, while you are sensing your inner world also. This will help you follow your path always when you are at peace with your heart.
We love you dearly, and are with you in all you do. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I love to think of the current changes on your planet as a reflection of the need for Ascension, as a need for the New Paradigm to manifest into your reality.
Be blessed.
Thank you, SaLuSa and Future
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