
Asking for Translators

Kindly translate this interview in your native languages and sent them to
They will be posted here and sent to Kerry Cassidy for being posted at Project Camelot website.
Many thanks in advance.

Asking for Transcribers


On 17 April 2014 17:58, Kerry Cassidy <> wrote:
Hi all,
We have lots of Camelot videos still needing transcripts.  Anyone who wants to contribute a transcript is welcome.  
Best wishes,


Kerry on Camera. Begins with a short interview with Jo Ann
Richards, the wife of Captain Mark Richards then transitions to
Kerry in car recalling via video blog, her in person interview with
Mark Richards.
Kerry Cassidy interviews Captain Mark Richards
Published on November 8, 2013
This is an interview with Captain Mark Richards conducted at Vacaville Prison on November 2, 2013. This is the first time in the over 30 years of his incarceration, that any journalist has interviewed him. I was not allowed to document this face-to- face interview with camera or any recording devices or to take notes during the interview. Everything you are about to see has been recalled from memory immediately after my meeting with him. Just prior to the interview I spoke briefly with his wife Jo Ann who also was present during the interview. Navy Captain Mark Richards was an officer involved in the Dulce Battle as well as very active in the Secret Space Program and U.S. Space Command for many years prior to his being arrested and convicted of a murder he did not commit.
This is a classic case of the government framing someone who they feel may be turning against them from within the military.
“. . . When the truth was evident that sub-humans and other creatures were being produced from abducted human females, impregnated against their will, a secret resistance group formed within the military and intelligence agencies of the U.S.
Government that did not approve of the deals that had been made with the ‘Offworlders’. Many of these brave humans would be assassinated, or “died under mysterious circumstance,” or would be silenced in other ways.
The Air Force Intelligence Officer that reportedly was the man who met with the Aliens at Holloman (Air Force Base) in 1964, was the legendary ‘Dutchman,’ Ellism Loyd Richards, Jr.—the same man who would reportedly order the attack on Dulce in 1979, and whose son, Captain Mark Richards, would lead the human attack on the facility.”—E.D.H. Earth Defense Headquarter’s
Technical Brief/ Winter—2001
Published by—Earth Defense Headquarters
KERRY CASSIDY (KC): Okay we are approaching the Vacaville Prison area and I am really so afraid that I am going to make a wrong turn and get arrested, just because of the nature of the area that we are in. This prison borders a neighborhood. I can’t imagine somebody going, well, let’s go live right by a prison. You know, let’s raise our kids right across the street from a prison. I mean I just missed the [turn], like what a nightmare. The street we just passed was called Butcher, and we’re talking about what do you name the streets around a prison, you know, Death Row Lane, Murders Alley. You know, I don’t understand how they could build a prison, and the place looks just like Nazi Germany, you
know, totally. So this whole notion of prisons is really a demented one in my opinion. Oh, there she is. [Kerry sees Jo Ann and gets out of the car] I am here with Jo Ann Richards.
We are here in Vacaville, and we are about to go to the Vacaville Prison. I’m trying to dress conservatively. I had to actually borrow these pants, believe it or not, because I live in jeans. I live in nothing but jeans and mini skirts. And neither of these was loud (she points to sweater and slacks she has on) so I think I look very . . .
JO ANN RICHARDS (JAR): Conservative.
KC: Okay, good, and I have a big coat to cover the whole body if that becomes necessary. If I don’t look enough like a nun, then I do have that extra piece.
JAR: [laughs]
KC: So I can’t bring a recording device. We are shooting with the camera here in a parking lot of McDonalds just to document this momentous occasion, right?
JAR: (laughs) It is. It is very momentous.