“...there’s a real human being behind it, as messed up as they are, probably more...
Yeah. They ought to know that.”

Dan Burisch: Uh huh.
K: That struck me as incredibly real. And from that point on I was very interested in what you had to say.
D: Ah...
K: Because I said, this man really experienced this. This is not bullshit. This is the real thing.
D: Yeah.
K: So if you could reiterate, kind of how you started working with J-Rod ...
D: Well, he was working with me before I ever knew him. Of course, he was on board, as I understand. I have no memory of him directly but I mean, as I understand it, in ‘73... he had traveled to ‘73 and then ... this is even what I said to Jeff Rense on the phone. You know, I said, “My God, if this doesn’t boggle.” I mean, it boggled my mind. And when you think about paradoxes to start with. That he traveled to ‘73, I was picked up and then he subsequently traveled back to the ‘53 timeframe and there was a crash. Which means that he was held at S-4 in 1973, at the time that I was playing baseball with my grandpa, and that he was also on board the craft, impinging into our time, lifting me up. Prosaically, man, it sounds crazy, but, yeah, it’s a paradox, I guess, I mean... but I actually came into direct contact with him at the end of 1993, the start of ‘94.
Yeah, there is something wrong with him. During the entirety of my experience around him, he appeared the best that I can describe is “off-shifted.” Almost like... I mean, he was physical. I felt him through the glove. There was matter there with me, but almost like he was a ghost with a body. He didn’t belong. He did not belong where he was. Yet when he would communicate, when he would do the entrainment... ah... they “thump” you. Almost... it’s almost acoustically. They thump you, and... until they finally come into contact with the brain-level waves where they can begin communicating. And it comes in waves. It’s almost like flukes on a dolphin. It comes in waves. And then you feel yourself pulled in. As the entrainment is occurring the perception is being pulled in to his eyes. Very unwieldy [chuckle] feeling. But then they entrain, bring you ... bring you down to, you know, relaxed almost to a theta state, like an 8 hertz thing, theta state, where you’re very, almost like drowsy and they tell you, you know, they’re not going to hurt you. He did that. He actually said that he would not harm me.
When he stepped forward on me, when we were doing the old “bride’s dance,” as we nicknamed it, where I would... I was supposed to step forward to him, almost like taking a bride’s step up the aisle, and then he did the thing back to me almost jokingly... but it was so unwieldy because he broke the protocol. It was like everything that had been established of trust at that moment... it went to hell. And I got so afraid. There was an animal response in me at that moment, a very, very human animalistic response... “Get me the hell out of here.”