Psychiatry: Erase the Unique Individual

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Melted FaceJon Rappoport, Guest
Waking Times

“There are cultural myths that are easy to overturn. People see through them quickly. But the prevailing core myths are tougher. Much tougher. Most people resist even discussing them. In the old days, the Church tortured and burned people who discussed them. Now, it’s social ostracism. Now, in some cases, it’s the State kidnapping children to send a message.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Since none of the 300 official mental disorders has any defining physical test for diagnosis, there is no proof they exist. Period.

You could interview thousands of people who say they feel depressed, and you would find significant differences. The more you listened to their stories, the more you would be convinced of the differences.

You would be splitting apart the central idea of “depression” and realizing it has no common center.

This is hard for many people to believe. That’s how brainwashed they are.

There are no common universal states of consciousness. It’s all unique, from person to person.
