Pull Back The Curtain And What Do YOU See?

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RJ Spina, Contributor
Waking Times

Society, respective of where you reside, will layout what is accepted as right and wrong but it often never takes into account what the Soul desires to experience and with whom it has agreed to share those experiences with.

While incarnate, some Beings have chosen to experience being a victim, predator or even a hero. Anything and everything is fair game but some will continue to play their role when disincarnate until they come to the realization they no longer have a body. Some realize immediately, some don’t. There is no ticking clock and everyone has as much ‘time’ as they need. Every role we choose to play while incarnate is just that, a temporary role. No different than playing the role of Mystic, Healer, Bodhisattva or Consciousness Explorer. Each role requires a different set of skills and level of awareness but It just depends on how you choose to experience this specific aspect of your Self, one of the many pieces of the bigger you that makes up some of your immense HigherSelf.incarnate is just that, a temporary role. No different than playing the ro...
