Q&A: When Will My Questions Be Answered? by Jennifer Hoffman

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Enlightening Life by Jennifer March 13, 2013

about Jennifer Hoffman

Dear Jennifer:  If I have done all the healing then why do I hurt so much and why I am I still so confused? I am trying to take steps forward but find it goes slowly because these steps I need to take are either painfully difficult or painfully boring. Is there no other way around? I pray for motivation, to be connected to my passion again. I suppose I try so hard to understand the process because I fear getting it wrong somehow and that I will manifest what I don’t want particularly if I am no longer clear on what I do want. Maybe this is where blind faith comes in. Like I should stop trying to understand, just “do”, as painful as it is and hope for the best?

Jennifer’s Answer: The answer to your question is in your question, you just don’t have enough faith in yourself to acknowledge it. There comes a time when we have to stop healing and start being healed, to stop seeing ourselves as a collection of splintered pieces and see ourselves as whole. It is the entire experience that creates the learning that we need to have the courage and confidence to move forward. There is no ‘way’, there is only your way. You are strong, powerful, and gifted enough to pursue it, if you will allow yourself to. The painful steps are the ones that you’re afraid of; the boring ones are those you have already completed and are just repeating. 

You’re asking for guidance but what you really want is permission, you want someone, God, the Universe, your family or friends, to tell you that it is OK to move forward, that you are good enough, have healed enough and you will succeed. You want the guarantee that if you do this and it ‘doesn’t work’ that you will get a refund and nothing bad will happen to you. But the permission you seek is yours to give yourself. No one and no-thing has the power or ability to tell you what to do. And your success is in your own  hands, as scary as that may be for you.

If you step into your wholeness, what happens to the healing journey? We get stuck in healing cycles because they allow us to feel that we’re doing something with our time and energy. Healing gives us a focus but it also perpetuates the belief that we are incomplete, imperfect and disconnected. From the ego’s perspective, we cease to be human when we’re healed and it tries to keep us in healing cycles. This leads to the endless cycles of questions, whose answer is another question. But spirit knows that the human/divine partnership is what life is really about, that once we reconnect, re-member and re-align ourselves with our spiritual center, not for the exclusion of our humanity but for the inclusion of our divinity, that life becomes a whole different ball game.

Take a deep breath and dive into the pool of your own wisdom, connection and power. The only way to do this is to take that first step. The journey is never laid out for you, it unfolds step by step, with each choice to move forward, and each step leads to new levels of understanding and wholeness. If you aren’t happy where you are now it’s because you have completed that cycle. The only way to be happy again is to create a new beginning and see where it leads you. The only guarantee you will have is that it will open your eyes to new potentials that will, if you allow them to, create the fulfillment of your intentions for joy, peace, love and abundance in your life if that is what you intend to have.


Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, link to or translate this article, in its entirety, as a free-standing article that is not included in any print or paid publication, as long as you include the author name and a working link to this website. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
