Q&A: Why Do I Go Back And Forth On My Path?

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Jennifer Hoffman – Q&A: Why Do I Go Back And Forth On My Path? – 22 August 2012

Q&A:  I have been working on my spiritual path for many years in a conscious and deliberate way. It hasn’t always been easy but I feel that I have made a lot of progress and am feeling so much more centered, peaceful and aligned with what I want for my life. Lately I’ve noticed that as I become more confident and comfortable with my spiritual path, some kind of drama erupts in my life and I feel that I am pulled back into a way of being I don’t want to be in, or with people I want to release. What is happening?

Jennifer’s Answer: First, congratulate yourself on being able to notice this from a detached perspective and seeing what is happening around you, instead of feeling that you are caught up in something that you do not have any control over. You are confused because you see the different pieces, you just aren’t sure of why they are there or how they fit together. The most important aspect of this, though, is that you are beginning to be aware of the different vibrations of energy around you and you are pausing to consider your response instead of reacting through the emotions.

Energy exists at many different levels of vibration within and around us. We can be at any level of energetic vibration we want to be at. When that choice is conscious, we are aware of how we are ‘picking’ our vibration. When we are not conscious, our vibration level is at our lowest level, which is usually some aspect of fear. This is a choice that happens in each moment and with each situation, rather than making one choice and we’re done. It’s a continuous cycle of movement that either takes us up into higher levels of vibration or down into lower ones. And we know where we are by what is happening around us, drama and chaos or peace and joy.

Another aspect of this is how the people around you are impacted by your changes. They feel the shift in your energy and know that if you move too far beyond them, they will no longer be able to connect with you. So they create drama and fear to pull you back into their level because the only other option for them is to raise their vibration to match yours. If this is something they are afraid of, they will do whatever they can to lower your vibration to a level that matches yours. The drama is now uncomfortable for you, where it may have once been something you could tolerate, because you are not at the energy of the drama. So you can’t connect to it and it just feels bad.

Don’t be afraid to ask whether the energy of each experience resonates what you want in your life. Is there a match with your intention for peace, joy, and love? If not, you do not have to connect with it. It is your awareness of this choice that allows you to maintain the level of vibration you want to be at. These choices will always be represented to you, and you have a choice as to what you will accept and integrate into your energy field. Your most powerful tool is your ability to say ‘no thanks, this does not serve my intention’ and let it go by. And by staying focused on and within the energy of your intention you maintain your energy levels and develop the confidence to know the drama and chaos are there but you do not have to connect with them.

Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

www.enlighteninglife.com  link to original article




Really enjoyed this answer.

gailight's picture

Really enjoyed this answer.  It was as if I had asked the same exact question.  Thank You.  Love and Light to all.  Gai

Wow!  I can totally identify

Guest's picture

Wow!  I can totally identify with this. I too, have been questioning the same thing & this makes total sense to me. It will make me handle things in a completely different way! I definetly have vibration "challenges" that have been at the forefront for me & instead of fighting them, it makes way more sense to recognize them for what they are & deal with them accordingly. FYI; I asked my Guides for something useful today & so far, this is it! ...........Blessin's..........:) 

AH HA!!! I just Love it when

jerry don martin's picture

AH HA!!! I just Love it when i get the Great answer, wow, too think i was going the wrong way. I love it when it feels good going with GOD!

are we done yet?? i want too meet with my family and friends of the galactic federation NOW..