Quantum K..A Healing Meditation

Lia's picture


If you can and WILL, put some headphones on and silently read what it says on the screen. You will receive healing in your BEing..The sound of voices, bells and tones gets to be somewhat like twilight zone and way out there at times, but, stay with it if you WILL..the tonal vibrational sounds are also for healing and to bring us back into harmonic ONENESS with OUR SELF, GOD, SOURCE and ALL..I'm sharing this because, I LOVE YOU and desire for your total healing in every corner of your BEing. Including your physical body....What if I told you this is GOD sending this HEALING meditation to you...would you listen? Do you truthfully desire to be HEALED from all the maladies you've carried with you for years and that have defined who you are now and what you can do? We are all so much more than illnesses and dis-eases..
YOU are DIVINE CREATOR! Capable of HEALING YOUR SELF..Why do you think, Jesus (Yahshua, Sananda) said, "Physician, HEAL THYSELF.." This is for those who have ears to hear, eyes to see and a heart full of LOVE, but who sometimes FEAR or maybe do not know the next level or step in the release of toxins and negative energies within ourselves, so we may be TOTALLY HEALTHY in every way..physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually..Negative energies hold us back from being ALL the LIGHT and LOVE we ARE...Take the Quanatum K Leap to the next level of who you truly are!! I LOVE YOU! I've done this a couple of times this year and every time, I feel so much better EVERYWHERE! Talk to you soon!  PEACE, JOY, LIGHT AND LOVE TO YOU AND TO ALL! NOW! :) <3  


Thank You to doreen!
