We all know, deep down, that we are all connected. But is this notion of being connected only a magical feeling or is it concrete fact? Quantum mechanics or the study of the micro-world states illustrates that what we think of reality, is not so. Our human brains trick us into believing in the idea of separation when in truth, nothing is truly separated —including human beings.
The Perception of Separation
As a species that grew and evolved to become one of the Earth’s most dominating forces, we came to believe that we were its greatest glory. Surely this thinking has slowly evaporated, but it still holds weight in today’s culture. But when we look into the atomic world with a magnifying lens, it becomes evident that we are not exactly what we thought we were. Our atoms and electrons are no more important or significant than the makeup of the oak tree outside your window, blowing in the wind. In fact, we are much less different from even the chair you sit on while you read this.