Questions And Answers:Why Are You Not Happy.

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What do effective communicators do differently?  They know what to say at the right time. They come up with good ideas and anticipate responds.  Communication is the primary key that produces better results.  Why is it often   difficult to communicate our ideas especially when it comes to issues relating to African Americans? It is hard especially when we all have opposing issues and opinions. It is also very difficult to sit down and think that all the efforts we have made in restoring our lives are going to be a waste.  It is hard because we have for years focused on one topic and had forgotten about other things that are also critical. As an African American woman, I don`t think that I will be ashamed to come out to fight for our causes. I know the people before me and how this system works, and due to the amount of interest that no one can achieve anything out there without the right documentation. Not even when we are talking about this lucrative business call African project.   I don’t care who the president is, first of all, you will have to know what you want to change before change can be effective.  I also think that when people failed to know what they want, and how they will get there? This, as well, and other things not even specify here has resulted in a wasted effort on our part. As for me, I know what I want, but I also know that it will be hard to accomplish those in one or two years. There are things that one cannot just sit down here and explain.  But I have tried to answer some of the divergent issues beginning with the point of anger, to why I think Dr. Cornel West was wrong in attacking the president on the wrong issues. 

Why Is It Too Hard To forgive, Someone Asked?. I am not angry with those people or boys and girls who are rioting out there, but I think I am angry at their organizers that when you see  it from the outsiders perspectives. No one will understand anything  because it is hard to determine who is rioting and for what purposes. I think when we lose someone in the African American community,  it should serve as a wake-up call. Though to see that these kids had continuously wasted more days trying to get the attention of those who could care less is what bothers me.  I don’t think that using the word angry is the issue, but to see how everyone is reacting to what is happening to African American boys especially the politicians now is heartbreaking. To think that now we have not come close to figuring out what is, it is our problem. It has been an old form of interrogations, but when an enemy is pursuing you what do you do? Do you stand in their way or do you help them to achieve their goals?

Why Are African American issues So misunderstood? These issues have been misunderstood because wealthy African Americans are treated differently from the poor ones. If you have money in African America community or blacks, in general, you can enter anywhere you want to as long as you are not talking about African American issues. When you are rich, and no children also, you will never know what it means to stay emotional free as an Africa American kid.  It is not a coincidence that people do not want to hear about these issues, especially when some black folks are still trying to inject slavery into everyday conversations. They have left other nations out to focus on African American and police, and that is very sad. No one wants to hear it, and African American are not backing down, and that has created an enormous problem. You cannot explain this issue by hanging around it for too long.

What Will You Tell Those Who Get Their News On TV?  I will tell them that TV is not reality and will not be.  You will know who they are. When you have an honest person who wants to balance issue on our real issues, or those boys who have written so many good books on our issues yet they have never getting air time. Instead, they take their books to Fox News, and African American is not paying attention.  I do not mean non-essentials issues they always fixated on. Those miniature topics they love to share with the world.

What Are The Real Problems Dealing With Poverty In African American Culture? The real problem is that many poor African Americans do not know why they are poor. When they are poor, the places they can go are very limited, and that has created another type of problems. For example, if you live in Georgia for instance you will think that life is in black and white. When you move to Oregon, you have to rethink. To survive in the state of Oregon, you have to have a different type of mentality, and that is why it is so hard to make sense of it all. But for someone like me who have been to places I can tell you that there are so many issues that we should be talking, and we hardly go there. We have ended up in one issue as long as I can tell. Secondly, African American problems are one of those items you do not want to argue about especially to those who do not understand the issues dealing with our problems. My questions have always been, if we know the problems how come we have not solved these problems or attempted to explain them. Why must it result in bloodshed all the time? Why have so many people insisted that our problems are what it is?

 Secondly, is there any particular place or environment that is suitable to talk about African American issues?  No, because you cannot take this case anywhere without someone interjecting an alternative or even accusing you of one thing or the other? You cannot stand on these issues without someone attaching unnecessary ideology to it. We have many African American writers who want to write, but they also know that all it takes is for their book to get rejected just one little honest discussion. Sometimes we hate honesty, and that is the biggest  problem we have .

 Do You Think Obama And The Democrats Have Answers To These Problems? Practically No, I have known them since I came here from Africa.  I have lived with these children for years, but now I can comfortably tell you that Obama has created a legacy that will put African American, black children 20years behind. It is so wrong because  every trust they have built for themselves  leading up to this point has been destroyed by one man, and this should infuriate all blacks, all African where ever they are. They have failed them, by insisting that all African Americans, blacks, all poor children want is food , housing, and that is wrong. It has created a very wrong impression. All they want is to win more elections.

Is Obama to blame for what is happening to African American children including me? No, you cannot blame him partly because he came with existing problems. You can blame him for creating a culture of gay to the black community that is adding more problems and confusion to our already disintegrated families. While it is sometimes not easy to pinpoint who is gay in other cultures, it is relatively easy in the African American world. In African American culture, we treat every problem like everyone should get a piece of it. I am gay and so what attitude and it has affected our skin more than poverty has. Let me explain what I mean by that. I worked for gay couples for years back in Georgia, but you will never know they are gay. They still maintain both jobs but being gay in the black community takes one further away from the type of job they would want probably because of the attitude behind it. It is like two people who cannot control their emotions living in one house. Obama has done something that will hurt African American children for years to come.

Why Are You Angry At Dr. Cornel West Recently?  I don’t think he will even recognize that, but I was angry because he was attacking Obama on the wrong issues. He was right in criticizing him.  The president has done a lot of damage to African Americans, blacks all over the world. He has misdiagnosed their problems and had taken actions that have created a lot of hatred for all of us. Regardless of how he sees it, but to blame him on totality on what is happening in our communities is something he should refrain from . He should attack him specifically in the areas he was wrong. I could count many places where he was wrong for the world to see.

 Finally, why is it that You Have Abandoned African American Children: Well, no one can run away from his or her brothers? I am still writing a book that can clear up some bogus ideas.  One of the reasons I will be moving this June is to go closer to where I will use what I have learned from other places to help them out. No one will understand the stigma that comes with being African American. It is easier to become a millionaire if you want to raise money to fix African American children than when you are desperate to write a book that can shield light on some of the issues surrounding us.  I never thought it will be easy, if not why did I choose internet as a hiding place?. Secondly, if I had the opportunity to go out there,  speak the news, and to give an interview on this issues, you then would find out that we have competitions.  Everyone has a job reporting on African Americans issues but not those  kids who are out there rioting. Yes police brutality is one of the biggest problems, but there is always two sides to every story. The liberal media want you to see one part of the story and have let us all down. We are not all Dummies.

 What will you tell those rioting? I will tell them to stop because people will be laughing at them like I have known all along. I know some of them are ready to move on, but need an honest person who can truly lead them to the peace and harmony they deserve.  They truly deserve to be happy, but their leaders have failed them.

What Does It Mean To Wrestle With An Opponent?  Stephen Liddell  knows what it takes to wrestle with a bigger opponent .  You can read this post.