I awake sitting upon a reflecting pool. Feeling. There is an sweet calm that sits within me... re-membering.
My memory drifts back to a time long ago, when I was a child of 6 or 7. Re-membering the sheer joy when the summer skies would open up with intensity and the rain barreled down to the earth. I would run out to play in the rain.
The rain came to earth with such a force that the raindrops would hit the road and attempt to go back up to whence it came. My mother called these feisty raindrops soldiers. These were my favorite!
I would run up and down the road playing, merging with the rain in it's intensity. and watched the soldiers of rain leap back upwards as if in a surge to go Home.
As I sit in my reflecting pool and re-member the joy of those precious moments, before it all fell apart for me, for the child, I am once again there today.
But the water of the skies have turned to downpours of Light. I am no longer small and limited. I am able to see not only the road I play upon, but the entirety of earths landscape... and see the downpour is world wide.
Many will not leave their house today for fear of becoming soaked. Others will pop up their umbrellas to keep them safe from the merger. And then there is us. (yes, I know I used a singular to connect a plural...smile.)
The children of the Light Re-Membering. Dancing wildly in the fields of earth... arms outstretched to catch every drop. To celebrate with the skies the releasing of this sacred energy. Our Life Force back unto us.
We have always been that. Today we are like the soldiers of rain, hitting the road an bouncing back upwards... not to go back Home in the skies, but to Be That Light in the Fields of Earth.
We are not here to seep back into earth... but to Be upon the earth. A living expression of Spirit and Earth made manifest. A Living Creation of Light.
After absorbing as much of the Light Rain as we can today... tomorrow we walk into an infusion cylinder. We will become the Light Rain. A merger so complete it can never be undone.
A lot will be asked of us.
I stand in the ready in the fields with my loved ones... and wonder...
Spend your day open to receive the downpour of your birth~rite. The Light of the Full Moon enhances all that you reflect upon and are willing to Be.
With joy, and wonder, and deep childlike excitement..
Lisa Gawlas