~The r evolution to bring forth the Light of Light has begun~
~original post from June 2011~ Very Relevant to Current Moments~
Over the past month the Native Americans have been sharing their messages from the elders and chiefs. These messages are inline with the same messages our Guidance has been trying to give now for a number of years, and have now grown more immediate.
" through the spiritual Brothers Elders Chiefs; these SPIRITUAL messages were received Dec. 21, the night of the Winter Solstice Full Moon Eclipse
in SACRED CEREMONY by the Turtle Island Sacred Way of the Canupa (Sacred Pipe),
Sacred Prayer Way of Grandmother White Buffalo Calf Woman (Pte San Cigana Waste Win).
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Mitakuye Oyasin :
" things will be difficult in the very near future, but we can do something about it and "...start drying foods and saving water and so
on." We were also told that "We should not wait for anyone. Don't wait for anyone."
" . . . I was told back many years by older and greater elders than myself that, "the future doesn't belong to the development of modern technology, but to Spirituality, the Evolution of the Spirit." In order for us tap into that Energy is to have Love & Compassion.
"The cities in the United States are in tremendous trouble. Tell your relatives to get out of the city. Spirit has told us that when you see the eagle in the city, it's time to go home/back to nature/Mother Earth. Spirit also said about the cities, "It's going to be so bad in the cities that a mother wouldn't want her child to survive in it at the time of the changes/shift."
"So, it depends on where you are at when the Big Shift occurs. This energy grid will be non-existent in many areas if not everywhere. If
someone has an alternative energy source, then your chances of survival increase dramatically. To remain in prayer and ceremony will be an added chance of survival. Our whole paradigm-thoughts/emotions/kno
wings/sightings will increase and intensify. Anatomically, we will be different.
"It's this part, "DIFFERENT" that lots of people don't understand. This unknown concept is what people need to condition themselves for. That conditioning is Spirituality, not Religion. I understand Religion to be man-made doctrine that changes as man's ideas change, but Spirituality never changes. It is the I AM CONSCIOUSNESS.
"It's ALLLL about the heart - listen to your heart if there's any possibility that it's resonating with this message, then, as Spirit guided them night before last ... "Don't wait for anyone." this was repeated twice for emphasis... there may be VERY little time for our final preparations for the most amazing event ever throughout the Universe and from the very beginning of time. We're here now and we get to participate!!! Yay!!! BUT, we need to be awake and aware and we need to know what we are doing.... Stay in LOVE, Keep your faith and be EVER diligent and strong... Pray for our precious Mother who is transitioning now and who wants to take us with her..... :) love, Paula Corn Woman
And from Standing Elk: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 18:44:44 +0000
. . . Implosion of thought has begun. The poor have out numbered the rich. Therefore, the energy of those that have been in chains, through the manipulation of thought, are free to dream again. The mind of those that have been manipulating others into thinking thoughts, that are not of the light, will be dancing to a new song. The r evolution to bring forth the Light of Light has begun. The new government of light is sending forth the command to all those that have been waiting, IT IS NOW TIME TO AWAKE, the awakening of Aquarius..
1-11-11 is the beginning of the fall of all false prophets. All false governments will slowly decline and will no longer be in service unto themselves. Structures that do not serve the light will implode and the government of Light will slowly emerge when the Fire of Truth
is revealed. This is the cycle that humanity has created for themselves. It is the rhythm of life. . . A new creation of the end of the grand illusion and the Awakening of a New World within and without has begun..
. . . The beginning of the end of darkness has begun. Those that are within the structure that think they will control humanity will become victims of their own fear. The structure creates fear for those that are within their creation. they will look at each other with distrust and they
will turn in on each other. They will create a spy vs spy within their ranks. The system will collapse as all systems do. They will chase each other as animals chasing their own tails. There will be many tails to chase and each tail will have a tale. The leadership within will become a leadership without. Allow evil to destroy evil.
The poisoning of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water will stop within time. . . Aquarius is about water, therefore all aspects of water will arise. From the poisoning and cleansing, all knowledge will be released and karma will become a friend or a foe. . . Keep our water Healthy and Clean! . .Water is you and you are water.
Mitakuye Oyasin
Sungdeska Sapa Itancan
Also, resonating with recent events of bird and fish die-offs:
"Last century an old wise woman of the Cree Indian nation, named "Eyes of Fire", had a vision of the future. She prophesied that one day, because of the white mans' or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would come a time, when the earth being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish being poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist. There would come a time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again. They would be mankind's key to survival, they were the "Warriors of the Rainbow". There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit. . ."
- Cree prophecy
So what does all this mean? I asked Standing Elk how many of his people would pay attention to these messages. He replied:
" Peter, we have over 4000 in our tribe. many follow the church and religious ways. we do have a group that were born with being in touch with Spirit and the Land. They know the songfsa and the ceremonies that have existed for 16,000 years. I am assumming that 1000 know, but my assumptions are that 1/4 will act on the warning.
Mitakuye Oyasin
Sungdeska Sapa Itancan
With all the people I've had the opportunity to deal with over the years I would estimate that perhaps 4 or 5 are truly ready to deal with what's about to take place. Unfortunately, one of the New World order's greatest successes is to instill in us, the slave population it has created to do its work, the sense of it can't happen to us. Most of us had thats same feeling at the various sinkings of Atlantis too. I've worked with so many who were there at those times and at the destruction of the planet Maldek and the breakup of Lemuria as well. And you know what? It did happen to us then, and it is about to happen all over again . . although this time for a much better reason, and with the grandest results Creation has ever seen accompanying the ascension of an individual planet.
This is the initial idea presented in the Superman movies when Jor-el sends his son, Kal-el -Superman, in a spaceship to escape the breakup of the planet Krypton. Comic books are so 'in' right now, just as fantasy and science fiction books and movies have been. And in all of them there are warnings, there are visions, there are reminders of who we truly are and where we truly came from. But just as with movies, people's self-willed egos console themselves with "it's just a movie, it's just a book, it's just a comic book story.' It's not, its the lingering cosmic history of our races that surround us in a thousand different ways and yet which we refuse to pay attention to even though it resonates so clearly within our hearts.
It's coming around again. All the signs are there. All the pieces to the puzzle that fulfill so many different prophecies and visions of the future. Every single aspect of Guidance has led me and others to prepare for what's about to happen. When so many people say to me about their health 'you hit the nail right on the head' when doing long-distance viewing and healing, then as I have to say to myself every day lately, THEY're right with the 99 percent of things THEY lead me to do every second of every day, maybe, just maybe THEY're right about what THEY"re leading me to prepare for and when.
You can read ten thousand websites, books and articles about surviving the coming Earth Changes, but trust me when I say, without a very very strong and personal and immediate connection with your own spiritual Guidance nothing you're preparing will do you any good, for without Guidance telling you where is safe and how to be safe during the transition time, being where you are . . particularly those of you in cities, will do you no good at all. Storing up some extra food and water is useless if you're in a place where you won't survive the initial onslaught of what you cannot even imagine. Also, if you don't fully understand and are prepared to live the motto of the new paradigm, 'it takes a village', then even surviving these changes would mean you will find yourself unwelcome in a new world built solely on what the elders said: "the future doesn't belong to the development of modern technology, but to Spirituality, the Evolution of the Spirit."
Friendly warning, not much else anyone can do for you. Don't be attached to anyone living or dying during this. Everyone's going to go to those places they have earned with their actions and their intent. Put the oxygen mask on yourself first before you try and help others. And no matter which decisions you make here and now and in the very near future, you are always loved by Guidance and those who tried to help you.
In service, Peter