Rain and flooding hammer Italy; streets become canals

Rain's picture

USA Today - 11/13/12, Eric J. Lyman

Venice, already known as a city of canals, is reporting its sixth-highest flood level since record-keeping began in 1872.


People sit at the table of a bar in flooded St. Mark's Square on Nov. 11.  Luigi Costantini, AP

6:10PM EST November 13. 2012 - ROME – Three days of heavy rains and winds have left large parts of northern and central Italy under water Tuesday, turning streets into canals and causing the collapse of a bridge as utility workers drove across.

The three employees of the utility company Enel were en route to reconnect power near Grosetto, in Tuscany, when the bridge they were driving over in Umbria collapsed into the fast-moving water below. Their car plunged into the water, and they were confirmed dead.

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