Rainbow Light Body Infusion with the Golden Light

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Rainbow Golden Light Earth

Listen to this Earth Hive update.

As we near the end of 2013, a miraculous year of New Earth beginnings, a grand light event is taking place that promises to allow many to access their multi-dimensional Self and the infinite realities possibilities.  The event is the marriage of the rainbow light with the Golden Light.  This is the deepening of the union between Ancient Earth and Angelic Earth.  From the Heart of the Cosmos, the timing of this event is synchronized with the turning of our human perceived clock from 2013 to 2014.  This annual clock being an illusion to the Cosmos; yet, in the human collective, there is a powerful intention to re-set reality into a new experience for 2014.  The Angelics and Cosmic Light beings work within this collective force to encourage the Agenda of the Light in activating Heaven on Earth.

Golden Web of Creation Descension

For a couple of months, we have been adjusting to the glorious presence of the Golden Web of Creation, a Cosmic Mother light creation positioned at Rose Points in the New Earth, Earth Hive grid.  The Golden Web is a foundation by which we can create reality through the Mother’s light.  Her light as it entered the Earth frequencies has re-aligned several times from the Platinum/Silver expression to White Gold and most recently a Father Principle-Mother Principle reflection of the Golden Ray.  The bees, as Goddesses of the Sun, have worked diligently through their multi-dimensional presence to re-weave the Mother Light into a new perfection and precision with a healed and self-correcting Father Principle to be experienced on Earth.  The Golden Webs remained located in the upper atmospheric layers of Earth to allow for this re-alignment to occur, receiving the New Sun/Father Principle’s love and holiness before being ready to descend.

The Mother’s Golden Web is now making her way down to Earth points that are prepared to receive her.  From what I am seeing, the most conducive landing locations at this time are where there is an abundance of water elementals and guardians, who can nourish the web for some of the more abrasive points on Earth’s surface (including human created locations).  Many of you are the guardians for the web and may find yourselves nourishing her webbing in a variety of ways that you are called to.  Your work doesn’t go un-noticed and is anticipated!

What we can expect from the Golden Web descension is a deepening of our ability to create as liberated, infinite humans.  The web is the Cosmic design for creating new life.  Within the design of the web, we may shift reality through the heart frequency and reveal a new glory of the light.  This is miracle creation.  It is also hologram shifting and the heart activated will change the planet’s enslavement history very quickly now to one of love-defined timelines and experiences.

Resurgence of the Rainbow Light Body

With the growing frequency shift on Earth, the Rainbow Light Body consciousness has expanded, enabling Mother Earth to embody the rainbow light in new dimensional spaces.  This expansion includes lower dimensional spaces (4th – 7th dimensions) and is resulting in a storm of activity among non-benevolent ET’s that sense they are becoming obsolete in Earth’s creations.  The Rainbow Light in these dimensions is clearing out sickness.  The feeling is like blowing one’s nose and removing the gunk that allows you to breathe better.  This is occurring for Mother Earth as a whole, as well as on a personal level.  As we know we can resist the clearing out but eventually we will sneeze!  And the gunk is going to blow!  Focusing on your heart breathe at this time will ease your passage through the lower dimensional clearing. As you breathe through your Heart-Lungs, a triad force of higher Love-Light-Wisdom enters your multi-dimensional bodies spinning out any blockages and loosening the gunk to release with ease.

As the Rainbow Light makes its way deeper into the Earth’s dimensional experiences, Ancient Earth, a timeline of Earth’s beginning nature, is being triggered.  This can bring up primal experiences in one self, as well as an experiences of the lower worlds, Middle Earth nature and collective survival feelings.  There is also a sense of both fear and protection in the shadows.  In this experience, we are being encouraged to connect to our shamanic warrior self that finds her way in the shadows and finds the allies that have mastered the shadow realms.

The good news is that we are not in this experience for long and it carries a different purpose than previous descensions.  As a result of this experience, more people will witness and embody the Rainbow Light through their primal core, the cellular substance within us that recalls the Ancient Earth experience.  As our cellular body becomes the Rainbow Light, we receive the transfiguration into the Golden Light, the new feminine Christ Consciousness.  It is through this process that the seed of the Angelic Earth is discovered in Ancient Earth and we ascend into the infinite body of light.

The Union of Ancient Earth with Angelic Earth

The Angelic Earth is created by the Angelic Humans.  There is great diversity on Earth and many life forms seeking to control the reality of the majority on our planet.  The Angelic Earth experience is a Heaven on Earth experience that seeks to liberate Nature and Humanity for a God designed reality.  Through the Cosmic Heart pulse Earth is receiving an influx of the potentiality for the Angelic Earth experience.  There are pockets of Heaven on Earth being experienced due to Angelic Human pacifiers, who act as Angelic Earth hubs.

The healed, peaceful Earth becomes a reality through the experiences and perceptions of the Angelic Humans.  A decision that was made by the Cosmic Heart emissaries is to bring the Angelic Earth through Ancient Earth.  This enables a thorough clearing of the past and resolves the necessity for a triad Earth body to form a new Earth body.  All life manifestations work through the energetic principles of the trinity, three light forces merging to form a manifestation (the fourth force) of God’s Will.  In the process of creating the Angelic Earth, Angelic Earth merges with Ancient Earth through the heart centers of present day Angelic Humans.  Thus, we have the three light forces Angelic Earth (love), Ancient Earth (wisdom), and Angelic Human (light) to create the outcome of Heaven on Earth (God’s Will).

And so it is!  We are deep into this process of transformation and transfiguration.  The rainbow light clearing the path and the Golden Light blessing the waters of our cellular make-up.  Surrounding yourself by peaceful community and acknowledging your own Angelic Self and Guardians will assure you of the path we walk at this time.  The cross-over to 2014 in linear time seeks to generate a new condition for humanity that is more humane and love-based.  God’s Will felt more and more each day in our Earth experience.  May the Golden Light shine your way and the Rainbows of Heaven clear your path!  Happy New Year to you ALL!
