~Rare Albino Humming Bird~
Fifteen-year-old photographer. Marlin Shank, was fortunate enough to capture several images of a rare albino ruby-throated hummingbird while in a park in Staunton, VA.
Hummingbird: Symbolizes devotion, permanence and eternity. Although the hummingbird is small in stature, it is extremely determined in its own territory.
One of the widespread beliefs is that hummingbirds, in some way, are messengers between worlds. As such they help medicine people keep nature and spirit in balance. The Cochti have a story about ancient people who lost faith in the Great Mother. In anger, she deprived them of rain for four years. The people noticed that the only creature who thrived during this drought was Hummingbird. When they studied his habits, the shamans learned that Hummingbird had a secret passageway to the underworld. Periodically, he went there to gather honey. Further study revealed that this doorway was open to Hummingbird alone because he had never lost faith in the Great Mother. This information inspired the people to regain faith. After that the Great Mother took care of them.
Hopi and Zuni legends tell of hummingbirds intervening on behalf of humans, convincing the gods to bring rain. Because of this, people from these tribes often paint hummingbirds on water jars. The Hopi kachina for Hummingbird depicts him with green moccasins and a green mask. He has an aqua body, and he is yellow on top of the head. H is crowned with a ruff made of Douglas fir.
The Pueblo Indians have hummingbird dances and use hummingbird feathers in rituals to bring rain. Pueblo shamans use hummingbirds as couriers to send gifts to the Great Mother who lives beneath the earth.