Reaching out and sharing your experiences

Phil Rowen's picture

                   A CALL TO ALL 

We posted the other day that our focus here at Galactic Free Press was changing,how we would like members and visitors alike to share and become more involved in the articles and content we share here.


As a FAMILY we ALL can paint and draw together a beautiful picture of our experiences and different paths as to how WE came to share our LOVE and LIGHT.How we reach out to each and everyone with Unconditional LOVE and compassion.


We would like to invite you ALL to share your experiences and life stories

You could share your spiritual journey

When and where you awakened

An experiance you had

How you have reached out to others 

Stories of how others have reached out in your community

What ascenscion means to you  

How BEing seated in unconditional LOVE has changed you  


Anything along these lines we would LOVE for you to share.  


Do not worry if you feel you cannot put into words something you would LOVE to share.

I can work with you on putting something together which would translate your story or experience etc into how you would like to see it.

It does"nt have to be long,it could just be a short paragraph or two or simply a few words.


If you have something and you would LOVE to share it please contact me at:

Or on Galactic Free Press FaceBook page

Or simply leave a comment below with your contact details. 


We LOVE you 





Struggeling, but Hopeful

Guest's picture

In truth, struggeling with walking between worlds, between "head" and "heart", between 3D and 5D, between Ego and Spirit.  Guess I've not fully made the transition.  Just wanted to recognize my feelings so we all don't have to compare ourselves to some "perfect" standard.

Love and Light, Namaste.

Struggling and Hopeful too

GuestCarolyn's picture

I am told this is the time to revisit old patterns to release many times? I'm 70 yrs young. I've bee doing Light Work for over 40 yrs..however even I sometimes feel like I'm trying to lift all of humanity by myself. I get tired and cranky and want to ask the Galactics to hurry up and get rid of Monzanto and others who are poisening our atmospher. It is very discouraging to work so hard only to feel the poisons in the air by chemtrails and Haarp and to hear that Monzant is buying more and more property on this tiny Island of Molokai.  The BAD energy is silent and persistant. We need much more intervention help here.  Thanks for letting me vent!! Mahalo and Blessings, Carolyn

I'm not talking about you

Aaron Asphar's picture

I'm not talking about you guys here at all, but all those I know who've awakened - the number 1 hindrance if you ask me is feeling you ought to be right all the time - being even slightly averse to being 'wrong' is plain, plain stupidity. Wrong is gold dust: it is evolutionary dynomight - it is a transformative portal. Why won't people get this! When you go through wrong, burn and purify in the flames of being wrong, then watch what happens: you are one of those who always seems, to others, to be right - they won't understand you, thinking yr just clever (as Westerners tend to think of convincing spiritual speekers) - it's so fucking stupid if you ask me. Well I love wrong and I'm swimming it. (Forgive me - I also always express my negative emotions, and this is key I think - so I'm sharing this with you in an opportunity to spread love here.)

My Awakining Experience

robinsuepettit's picture

In my mid 20's, 1995ish, I picked up a book by Raymond Moody on near death experiences, and that is where my journey began.  I suddenly became fascinated with after death experiences, ghosts, and the world of spirit in general.  I felt myself compelled to explore everything that had to do with "new age" spirituality and I must have read a thousand books on these subjects over the past 20 years.  This became my passion where each exploration opened me up to more questions I had to find answers to.  My curiosity could not be quelled and over time, my readings and contemplation thereof shaped my belief system.  Coming from a family of both Christians and atheists, I found little support with my endeavors and have felt like a loner most of my adult life.  Whenever I try to discuss my discoveries and ideas, my words fall on deaf ears and closed minds.  My family and friends characterize me as flaky and nuts.  The thing is, I feel so attracted to the subjects I explore, that I can't stop even when those close to me can't support me on this.  I began reading channeled works about 7 years ago when I picked up a "Sedona" magazine and the information I garnered from channeling was so fresh and connected to the "other side", that I was immediately hooked.  So, just as a side note, I wasn't into following  conspiracy theorists (which I have now renamed truth-seekers) until the last week of April 2012 when I would say I awoke with a BANG! 

     I was having some personal issues over the past couple of years, and my channeling followings kind of fell off for a while.  At the time, Lisa Renee was my favorite, so I would still check in with her monthly's.  Somehow, when I was reading Lisa Renee's latest April 2012 channeling, I was led to Wes Annac's website and channelings which literally opened me up to the whole subject of Ascension and the year 2012.  Sure, I had read about ascension plenty of times, but my philosophy thus far on the subject was that our world would slowly, at the pace of evolution, get lighter and brighter spiritually speaking over the course of the new 26,000 year cycle.  Wes Annanc channeled some very specific information regarding our world which kind of blew me away.  He talked about something called "disclosure" and "mass arrests", both of which were about to occur and he said that this would go public and absolutely blow the tops off all of our heads sending most of the human population into Ascension and leading  Earth and the people into the New World.  Wes Annac's channeling felt very clear and heart centered to me and I felt very inclined to believe him.  This is where this freaking far out- exciting journey became conscious in me.  I began following some of the other channelers that were posted on Wes's site, some of whom I was familiar with from the "Sedona" mag, and discovered that they were all saying the same, very specific, things.  In my experience, channelings are practically never so specific about what exactly is going to happen b/c predictions are not really kosher in the world of channelings.  Before, when I read channelings, it was spirituality and after-death existence that I sought to study.  E.T.'s, UFO's, dark cabals, free energy, mass arrests, and disclosure were new subject matter for me.  I crawled down that rabbit hole with a furver I had not ever known in myself before.  I began to explore these subjects with such passion, that I started to set my alarm  earlier so I could get as much reading in before work as possible.  Anything that distracted me from my readings and contemplations became huge annoyances to me.  I found that I had incredibly high energy and internal excitement.  I could barely eat and when I did I was attracted to fruit and veges like never before.  I didn't want sweets or meats or red wine or anything that lowered my vibration.  I questioned myself constantly as to whether I was having some kind of Spring mania.  I found that I couldn't tolerate being around most people.  Somehow their energies distracted me negatively and I wanted to be alone most of the time just so I could feel energetically comfortable, (story of my life actually).  I began exploring alternative new's sites to get to the bottom of this whole illuminati/cabal thing.  As the truth came pouring in, I AWOKE.  About 3 weeks in, I felt something surge through my spine that literally made my body dance in a wavelike rhythm that kind of scared me a little.The high I was on lasted through June, but then as each proposed date for mass arrests and disclosure past, my enthusiasm dwindled.  Now, I'm not saying I stopped following this "story" or that I stopped believing, but I guess one can maintain that level of enthusiasm for only so long.  It's a shame, because I felt that my vibration soured so high in May and June but has now dropped somewhat.  I so very much want to be a part of and support this process on our world.  I want to help Gaia ascend.  I want to ascend.  But here we are now in the middle of September, and I feel so blah.  God/Goddess, I love you and I pray for this dream to come true.  But maybe my family was right all along.  Maybe I am just coocoo for cocoa puffs after all.  My heart tells me differently though. I hope.



My comment is nice and short.

Guest's picture

My comment is nice and short. Can you stop judging GILES and start posting his work again. Because he did no wrong and was only telling truth . warning poeple of dangerous earth movement that is necessary in Gaia growth to the 5dimension. Don't let poeple miss inportant info ,please give everyone the opertunity to explore all possible realities. LOVE AND LIGHT FROM A CORNCERNED LIGHTWORKER. ps. you were suckered in by the dark ones tricks on the internet. Move with your heart mind spirit body as one and see the truth.ya no this already don't you.

I guess that was a jab at

robinsuepettit's picture

I guess that was a jab at me.  Sorry my post was so long.  Won't post again.



I dont think it was directed at you Robin

Phil Rowen's picture

I dont think that comment was directed at you Robin love.

In fact I loved reading your story and have published it in its own post.

My Awakening Experience


Thank you with LOVE Phil  


Thanks Phil!

robinsuepettit's picture

Thanks Phil.  You are a sweetheart!  I guess I was feeling kinda sensitive this morning.  I'm ok now. 


Love to you too.

We post messages about the

will's picture

We post messages about the Earth Changes on a regular basis, nobody's missing out on that because we're not posting Greg Giles anymore. Not sure what "dark ones tricks" you believe we fell for, we stopped posting them because of the rather militant and chastising tone they've taken recently. We don't feel that Greg has been accurately portraying 5D Thought in his messages.

Unconditional love cookbook

Susan Klein's picture


   I am writing a book on unconditional love after my life took a turn for the absolute best last October in a 10 day Vipassana Meditation course. On day 2, I experienced love in all its whiteness and purity.

   I've been a successful professional artist for over 35 years and now my direction is to help others through their pain into love for themselves and all.