I’m hungry… what should I eat? Low fat? Low sodium? Low carb? High protein?
When did eating get so complicated?
It hasn’t always been like this. We ate in-season food from our local area and we cooked the recipes our mothers or grandmothers taught us to make. We didn’t calculate the number of calories we ate, or grams of carbs or fat. We ate real food and we enjoyed it.
What Went Wrong With Nutrition?
As a society, we’re arguably better fed than we have ever been, but are we better nourished? There are many new theories that say no – we have an abundance of food but we are starving on a cellular level. I’ve spent the last 14 years totally consumed by nutritional research, trying to figure out what went wrong and how to fix the problem, and I have a few theories
Many of our foods are
Many of our foods are sometimes spoiled by persons who manufacture or sell them, putting into them cheaper substances that are dangerous to health. Such persons seem to care little for the purity of foods, but are chiefly interested in making the most money possible out of them. So common has this adulteration become that in most of the states the law-making power has passed pure food bills to prevent the sale of such adulterated articles. These laws are most worthy and should be strictly enforced, for what is money-making by a few individuals compared with the health of the people of an entire city or state, which may be greatly endangered by the use of these impure or adulterated foods
We don't need to die to find paradise. We must create it here !!