The wise man in the storm prays God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"A final problem that [humanity] must solve in order to survive in the world house that we have inherited is finding an alternative to war and human destruction. Recent events have vividly reminded us that nations are not reducing but rather increasing their arsenals of weapons of mass destruction. A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death. A so-called limited war will leave little more than a calamitous legacy of human suffering, political turmoil and spiritual disillusionment. A world war will leave only smoldering ashes as mute testimony of a human race whose folly led inexorably to ultimate death". - Dr Martin Luther King 1967 - click here for a PDF of the complete text of 'the World House Essay' - a remarkably succinct assessment of our predicament. This is the last chapter of the last book he wrote before being assassinated. Click here for more quotes from MLK
It is not our purpose here to give a complete interpretation of what has happened on this planet - merely to acquaint you with the very important story of the BirdTribes and the Warrior Tribes. It is a chapter in the history of 'the greatest nation on earth' that should not be forgotten. It is a story that everyone should hear and consider, as it creates a new field of possibilities for the whole planet.
The book 'Return of the Bird Tribes ' explains that the whole of human history as we know it is similar to the initiation/death process with which many tribal societies mark the passage from childhood to maturity. Gradually over long millennia consciousness on Gaia has been evolving the capacity of self awareness in relationship to Infinity. The complete human is destined to become a 'feathered serpent', the individuated intelligence united with the winged angelic unified consciousness as one being.
As we approached the phase of our development where we would soon acquire mastery over matter to the extent of being able to travel between worlds, and also attained the ability to destroy ourselves, whole ecosystems ,and perhaps even biospheres - we needed to learn the lesson of separation once and for all. We needed to know what would happen if we followed the road of the false ego, of domination, of power-over, of force and violence, fear and greed. We needed to stare into the abyss that is the inevitable end result of turning against natural law - before we could take our place as mature beings in the Universe.
No amount of human laws or logic can be entrusted with the responsibility of such weapons as we have now developed. Only an evolution of the heart that makes such things unthinkable can avoid our inevitable temptation to use the weapons we have now forged. Otherwise, even if we were to destroy all the millions of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and even the knowledge of how to make them, sooner or later we would reinvent them again and proceed to destroy ourselves.
And so, to facilitate this Great Initiation, the Warrior Tribes were allowed to take over the Earth.
The BirdTribes angelic unified consciousness withdrew almost completely, becoming a legend - or very occasionally incarnating in some unusual beings who became known as 'prophets', 'enlightened ones', 'saints' or 'sages'.
The Warrior Tribes favourite technique for maintaining control is by dividing and conquering.
FIrst the masses must be taught to identify themselves as belonging to a particular nation, tribe, community, religion, race, or language group. Then they must be taught to fear that they are in competition with everyone who is not part of the same group. They must be made to believe that there are limited resources necessary for survival, and that others will take them unless they fight and kill for them. The Warrior consciousness (for truly it is more than is embodied in any individual human beings) has been so successful in doing this that even otherwise educated and intelligent people still buy into it at an emotional level. The identification with sports teams or national athletic representatives is perhaps one of the most insidious forms of advertising for this belief system. It poses as a harmless alternative to real violence but continues to feed the competitive and aggressive instincts of society.
To read the rest of this story, visit