Reclaim Your Primal Spiritualty - David Karchere

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We are each born with an innate, intuitive knowing of the Being within all Creation. We are born with that innate and intuitive knowing of ourselves and other people, all of nature and all of Creation. Children have that innate understanding without having to be taught or told.

As I reflect back on my own childhood, I remember how that awareness pervaded my life. I would bet that we each have those kinds of memories. One memory I recall is being read the Thornton Burgess nature books, very beautiful stories of the creatures of the woodlands. There was reference to Mother Nature, who was a character in the story. It certainly did not take any belief on my part to understand who Mother Nature was. It was my own innate, intuitive knowing that easily accepted that there was a spirit surrounding all the woodland creatures and all of nature that cared for them—Mother Nature.

That is only one small example in my own life. I make reference to it just to assist you to evoke for yourself your own memories of your own innate, intuitive knowing—not a religious belief, but something sensed easily and naturally through the heart. That is how we are made as human beings. We are made to walk upon the earth with that innate and intuitive knowing of Being. And yet the fact is that there has been a major disruption of that knowing in human experience for almost everybody as adults.

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