The Rectification by Gregory

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The Rectification



by GLR  on March 22, 2012


Not to be boastful, but for the sake of a spreading awakening, we are doing exceptionally good. As someone who is watching and participating (via meditation and active intention), i’m constantly impressed by people who are just ever-increasingly growing and expanding at this time.

The Oligarchs who have been in control of the whole global economy are losing their grip. This has to be addressed. As people realize that they are only losing power by giving it away, they’ll stop.

People are waking up. Politicians are waking up. Even Corporations (yes) are waking up. The society must harmonize and it is, with new values based on higher awareness.

We are coming together, and learning what is really going on. Contact is happening.

Say hello to a new world, (whether you like it or not). A world of cosmic relation, and understanding. A world which understands the cosmos, and harnesses it’s infinite bounty (free energy.) That is where we are at, today. Not in the future, today.

Destiny is pre-written. Manipulate it all we want, there is an ultimate reality that we are all a part of.  We are coming into our alignment, together (that’s what aligning is all about.) We are all going to be synchronized, as a one conscious mind (as we progress into an interstellar species.)

Wonderful Teachers have gathered together. These teachers who understand our true nature, will be listened to.

Be discerning. The vast majority of what is being said here (the internet), is untrue. The vast!

It’s your turn. The policy-makers. The system creators. I have imparted great wisdom with this blog, and my intent has been here to uplift humanity as one species. Heed my words. Take this not as any form of a threat. Gently understand, I will not relent in my work towards bringing humans under one word; one truth. The true universal compassion in love. I am here to help all people, just like these amazing beings who have come here to greet us as we walk into our cosmic neighborhood.

We all deserve, a better world. We are moving into a new era of peace, kindness, consciousness, and supreme power. This must be dealt with wisely. It is, fortunately.

This is about power. True power. The infinite power of the universe (that which we ALL have and contain; that which we can all collectively call the god inside of each of us!) We are FOOLS to fight. We are fools to ignite ever-increasing wars. These must and will all end. We are truly just pure love and light. Call me Pollyanna, but I remember what it was like to exist before I became a human. We are all birthed first as spiritual beings. That is what makes this reality come into being. This spiritual reality is the only true reality there is. All other realities are molded from this. True power is only attained when one walks a path of a supreme calling. To me, this calling has always been the highest good of all cosmic beings, and our entire human species.

This is the Rectification. We all wake up. We all get enlightened. We are all saved, by ourselves. It is happening today. God bless all of you.

In the White Light of the Divine

Gregory Matthew von Haesler 


