Reflecting on Catalysts As We Reach the 12-12

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 Wes Annac

360 smallI’ve been able to find some quiet and deep moments of meditation and contemplation and I have to say, allowing one’s head to clear and all worries and frustrations to melt away will truly do wonders for one’s perspective. All of the densities that we experience and all of the lower emotions we feed as a result of such density, are bred as well from a detachment from Source within ourselves and while I’m beginning to become open to this concept, the reality of it has just hit me on this amazingly-energetic night.

The past few days in this area have reflected a perspective within me that I’m beginning to transmute; gloominess. While it was warm and sunny here for a time, the dry bleakness of a snowless winter has made itself known and the temperature outside reflected the coldness within that simply needed acknowledged so that it could be properly released.

I’m still working through this process but I’ve hit a great stride in being able to realize and get a handle on exactly what’s happening, as the hardest situations to deal with in Life are the ones in which you don’t have a proper perspective on. What can feel at times to be random negative events manifesting in one’s Life and bringing one to the core of their frustration, can actually be catalytic happenings meant to expose any emotion or heart set within us that will not resonate with the complete joy and bliss we will feel upon re-entering the higher realms.

Coming from the higher realms that many of us naturally know we come from, the Earth densities can affect Lightworkers who don’t have a proper grip on them much stronger than the unawakened Earth collective who are so familiar with the densities we Lightworkers are transmuting, that they are still comfortable within such densities for the most part.

The empathic and sensitive Lightworkers who have made it their mission to transmute the collective density can be the most vulnerable to the densest and most twisted-up of emotions and feelings manifested and fed on this Earth and I personally will reach periods of lethargy and depression that will display to me quite perfectly my doubts, fears, anxieties and pains.

Those lower emotions cannot be taken with us into the higher realms and as we are reaching the potent energies of the 12-12, so very much is being surfaced within us in preparation for our absorbing of the 12-12 energies.

I can already feel that the 12-12 energies are making themselves known. We have reached the beginning of the general time period surrounding this date and as such, we will feel a couple of days before and lot of days after this date, the amazing, intense and heightened energies accompanying this powerful alignment. Again, I am already beginning to feel them as it seems that a lot is being shaken-up and surfaced for ultimate release.

You may be experiencing similar catalytic depression and it certainly helped me to see the comments on my last writing from others who were also experiencing some rather unfortunate ascension side-effects, because it is indeed always helpful to know that we are not alone in this process and that we are experiencing similar things to those awakening souls around us. We can all rally around each other and be there for each other when the going gets tough, and we can revel in the fact that we truly won’t be experiencing this difficulty much longer.

It is also important to remember that what happens in your Life that seems to be of a cataclysmic, off-putting or sadness-inducing nature is occurring for a very good reason and while my reasons were to expose latent and final densities held within in preparation for the absorbing of the 12-12 and 12-21 energies; I could not tell you the specific reason for the pain you may be experiencing but I can only ask you to hang in there and to know that we are in the final rounds of experiencing such pain before we reach a state wherein we will never feel it again.

I am still in the midst of my current surfacing process but I can already feel the Light at the end of this particular tunnel. You know you have made strides when you find yourself performing more and purer Lightwork than ever before, even as you go through periods of catalytic depression, surfacing and release.

Even while peeling and integrating layer after layer of density held latent within this body, I can feel the steady and continual energetic upgrades taking place within, as I can feel the Love that I make my conscious intentions to bring through my heart and crown chakra and anchor unto the core of Gaia, getting stronger and stronger with each conscious interaction with such Love on my part.

I know that I will still experience frustration; temporary inner-pain; apprehension; and I know that this will all help me to hollow my temple out so that it is a strongly-refined instrument for those ever-important higher dimensional energies we can all bring through ourselves.

Knowing the importance of my role and the magnitude and magnificence of what I and so many other dear Lightworkers are doing at this time, I am able to face the densities that come my way with a smile on my face as I transmute the energies that have driven the very lower dimensional experience we are all ready to see change.

So I will continue in my meditations, channelings and the Lightwork I and many others have come to this world to perform. I am even starting to discover the ability to perform Lightwork in densely-inhabited public places such as department stores, and I’m receiving impressions that these are some of the most important places to perform our Lightwork and transmutations of the collective dense energy at, because of the inhabitance of such places by so much of the Lightworker collective.

Previously, I would find myself “flattened” and exhausted when entering a department store or any other area that is rife with the impressions left by every unawakened soul who has been there, because I would naturally feel and integrate the mass density manifested and left in such places.

Now, I am finding myself able to transmute the large amounts of dense energetic residue that have been manifested in such places and in return, funnel-through enormous amounts of pure Love for every soul who has been and ever will be in such places, to absorb and benefit from.

Basically, the realization of and ability to perform my personal Lightwork is expanding quite a bit as I find myself working through the densities latently-held within this body and experience the temporary periods of physical and emotional depletion. All in all, I have to say that I am pretty happy with where I find myself at this point and where my Life path is clearly taking me to.

More than anything, a gradual feeling of satisfaction is beginning to arise; with myself, with those around me and again, with the circumstances surrounding my presence on this world. It is hoped that those of you who are also experiencing catalytic depression and exhaustion at this point will soon find this perspective as well and will find the realization that everything awful we are experiencing, we are experiencing for the last time.

In your own time, your personal Light will imbue you with the feelings we have all been separated from, and you will see, feel and know that the Light energies are truly all around you as well as within. We are in the home stretch now, and I want you all to know on behalf of the Company of Heaven that you are Loved infinitely and never left alone.

Wes Annac – Experiencing and sharing.
