Refusing the California Fruit Nazi Checkpoint & Driving Away.

Rain's picture


Published on Nov 5, 2013 by Gavin Seim -

Blog Post:
This was a "State" border crossing from Nevada into CA. I'm not willing to be stopped and questioned on our highways. We finally just drove away. We were not chased down or arrested. Thanks to my wonderful wife Sondra for her support and for boldly filming.

This is the Long Valley Agriculture Check station on 395N. 10/05/12 at around 3PM - We the people must rid ourselves of this tyranny by refusing to cooperate.

We're working our way home to Washington after a month long trip with my family and my brother working on new pictorials ( and our new film, PHOTOGRAPHICS (

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" -- Thomas Jefferson

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" -- Benjamin Franklin.





trickyrythm's picture

I've been thru so many checkpoints! I'm embarrassed to say that it has never ocurred to me that this was against the constitution...until NOW!  


mackintosh's picture

I have faced many checkpoints.. phone speaking while driving is makes problem. but we are doing this every day. my friend paid fine amount for this kind of problem. my neck hurts from the car accident two years back i was faced this accident.