Cupcakes and Angels Posted on
~ Today I was guided to draw a card from the Romance Angels deck, and the one that presented itself to me is entitled “Retreat.” It’s meaning is actually pretty straightforward, and whether we are in a relationship or not, we are being guided by the Angels to use this weekend to take a step back from the world and focus on the people in our lives who are closest to our hearts. We are being told to disconnect from all of the external chatter and stimulation. Set aside those unfinished projects for a little while, skip the parties and the shopping, turn off the phones and the TV and revel in the peace of your own Sacred Space.
~ This card makes us aware of the fact that our relationships need care and tending, just like a garden, and we are being asked to set aside some time to give them our undivided attention. Give of our precious time, in order to let the ones we love know just how incredibly special they are! If you are in a romantic relationship, this is an ideal time to stay home and enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner and some great conversation. Focus on each other without any interruptions. If you are just getting to know somebody new, make a date for a quiet walk on the beach or dinner at small, intimate restaurant. If you are single and seeking a soulmate union, the Angels are encouraging you to meditate and spend time going within and carefully evaluating what qualities you are looking for in your ideal partner. Make a list or a vision board. Keep them in a place where you can see them often, as the more you visualize and think about the lifestyle and partnership you’re seeking to create, the more readily you will draw them towards you.
~ With the intensity of the energy that’s been coming in, it’s especially important to take care of ourselves and the ones we love. The Angels advise us to get into the habit of taking “breaks” from the hectic pace of everyday life, as the illusion of time is only going to appear to go faster and faster. This increase in frequency and it’s accompanying effects on the planet will require us, as Lightworkers and Wayshowers, to be at the top of our game. So go ahead and enjoy a little retreat, every now and then!
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