~Release Your Need to Control the Outside World~
It is our own decision to choose this over that and right over wrong that is the cause of our “fall”. The beast and the serpent or Satan are terms for the flight of flight adrenal glands and the solar plexus that have a very strong influence over us if we allow it. We are beings of light that are trapped in prisms of matter which is really just energy. We have created our own illusion. I can’t say if we were tampered with or not. There is no way of knowing if our current biology is the result of cosmic encoding or interfering beings but it doesn’t matter. It is still up to us to consciously remove the blockages of the chakras (energy centers). No devil or GOD can override our free will but as these energies increase, we will either continue our self aggrandizing ways or let go and let “god” (meaning the spirit of life) flow through us. The spiritual self opens the seven seals of the body (the chakras). We have to overcome the four beasts of fear, attachment, anger and no spiritual purpose and this will raise the vibration of the lower glands. Revelations talks about flashes of lightning and thunder 24 elders and seven spirits. The 24 elders are the 12 paired cranial nerves within the brain (Edgar Cayce’s interpretation as well) and the seven spirits are the seven chakras. I have experienced that flash of lightening and loud crash myself. We will all go through this. We are birthing a god centered self and it can be terrifying to the physical body. The mind must release from its desire to control and judge the outside world and just focus on inner peace.
We have been tampered.
We have been tampered. Scripture is multidimensional.
as we are vibrations of
as we are vibrations of energy the music we listen to, as well as what we choose to see, changes who we are